You can either import a camera you created and edited in Action, or import one from another 3D application. Once a camera is imported, you can edit its parameters, change its animation, and then export it back to the application it came from.
Flame Premium supports the import and export of 3D data saved in the FBX 3D format. This format provides a means for exchanging 3D data for scene compositions—such as cameras—between tools and packages developed by different manufacturers.
To export a camera to FBX format:
The Export Camera file browser appears.
An alternative to animating a camera's position is to import a camera animation from 3ds Max. 3ds Max camera animation can be saved as a . 3DS or .ase (ASCII Scene Export) file in your scene. While the .ase format contains only a camera's positional data, the .3DS format contains the camera's position, point of interest, roll and field of view values.
Once the camera is imported, you can edit any of the camera's values and, if necessary, export it back to 3ds Max in its native 3DS format using the Camera menu.
To import a 3ds Max camera:
The Import Camera file browser appears.
You return to Action and the imported camera is applied to your scene.
To export a camera to 3ds Max format:
The Export Camera file browser appears.