Format Options Tab - Audio Settings

Audio File Type: For streaming formats, like QuickTime and MXF, the Audio File Type menu is automatically set to the Video File Type. There may be situations in which you require a separate audio stream. For example, if you export the video stream as a DPX file sequence, you can select a standalone audio file format (.aiff, .wav, .mp3, etc.). Wiretap Gateway Supported Media File Formats for a complete list of supported media file formats.

Compression:Use to select the audio compression settings. Options are:

Sampling: Use to define the sampling frequency of exported audio files. Options are:

Lustre's behavior when exporting audio depends on the type of render mode selected. To export media files with audio, Lustre uses the grade-based audio file when the Media Origin is set to OneSequence. If you select Source Grade or Original Media and you are working with media files that contain audio media, such as Quicktime, MXF, R3D, the exported audio will come from the source media files.

Profile: When exporting Quicktime movies with PCM audio, you can select an audio encoding profile to define the bit depth and the bit ordering. The following profiles are available:
Note: LE: little endian; BE: big endian. Endianness has no impact on performance, and little endian should work in most cases. Output in big endian mode if you expect compatibility issues with the target application / operating system.

