When you are satisfied with the results of the 3D camera tracking analysis, you can convert the selected reconstructed points to a point locators object or actual axes in your scene. The point locators object is useful because you can easily snap objects to it.
To create a point locators object or axes from the 3D camera tracking results:
Typically, 3D tracking results in a moving camera and fixed points, but you also can set the camera to be fixed and the points to move.
Selected point are converted to a point locators object with a parent axis. Double-click the newly created point locators object to access its menu, where you can change display settings and enable snapping. See Using the Point Locators Object.
Selected points are converted to axes with a parent axis. The axes synchronize to the results of your 3D camera tracking, and any further changes you make to the 3D track are reflected in these axes.
You can attach objects such as surfaces, 3D text, and 3D models to the new point locators or axes to help position them in 3D space.