
A dissolve is the blending of two elements over a defined period of time. By default, Lustre adds a dissolve centred over the transition. You can slide the dissolve to make it start before or after the transition.

Also by default, a dissolve is set to be one second, based upon the project's frame rate (e.g., 24, 25, or 30 frames per second). You can change the duration by trimming the dissolve or by using the dissolve duration field in the Edit menu.

When you are working with multiple layers, elements located on the top layer can dissolve to a gap that reveals the content located on the bottom layer, therefore creating the equivalent of a dissolve between two shots.

Adding a Dissolve

There are two ways to add a dissolve to the upcoming transition of the layer under Focus.

To add a dissolve:

  1. Place the focus point and positioner on top of the A-side of the transition where you would like to create your dissolve.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Diss.
    • Press D.

      A dissolve is centred over the transition.

Danger: When building Timelines with multiple layers and transitions from layer to layer, avoid dissolving from a shot to a dissolve located on another layer. Dissolve only from a shot to a shot, otherwise, Lustre displays a red 'X'.

Removing a Dissolve

You can remove a dissolve from the Timeline.

To remove a dissolve:

  1. Select the dissolve, or multiple dissolves.

    The dissolve turns yellow.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Shift +D.
    • Click Del.

Editing a Dissolve

There are a couple of ways to change the duration of a dissolve.

To change the duration of the dissolve:

  1. Right-click and drag the timeline to make sure the right dissolve is showing.
  2. Place the positioner on the dissolve you want to modify.
    Note: The positioner needs to be located before the dissolve.
  3. Click Edit.

    The Edit menu appears.

  4. Drag the Dissolve slider to set the dissolve duration. See Changing Dissolve Duration.

To change the duration of the dissolve using Trim mode:

  1. Enable Trim.
  2. Click and drag the dissolve using the Trim Head or Trim Tail cursor.

Changing the Orientation of a Dissolve

By default, Lustre adds a dissolve centred over the transition, but you can change the orientation of the dissolve. See GUID-87E144CC-1C6F-437A-AD07-352747C39419.htm#WSC4E151A45A3B785A4D80AAFE11DF9297D3F-7FD6.

To change the start/end point of the dissolve:

  1. Enable Trim.
  2. Move the cursor over the dissolve you want to modify. The slip & slide cursor appears.
  3. Click and drag the dissolve to its new position.
    Note: When you add a dissolve, make sure there are enough handles for the duration of the transition. If you add a dissolve over a transition between two elements that do not have head/tail frames, the dissolve goes from the outgoing element to black and from black to the upcoming element. Trimming or slipping the elements may help solve the problem.