About User Defaults and Session Settings

When configuring your project settings in Lustre, you can configure some parameters as project defaults and others as user defaults. The parameters that are configurable as user defaults become the default settings each time that user logs in and loads a project. However, if you make changes in the Lustre application that affect the default settings and then save these changes to a grade file, the default settings will be overridden the next time you load the project.

While logged in, the user can override some of the user default settings. However, these overrides only last for the duration of the session. Restarting the application resets the settings to the values set at user creation.

Setting Context Parameters

When a user logs into a particular project in Lustre for the first time, Lustre creates the <user>context.config file, where <user> represents the user name associated with a user profile. The context file is found in the C:\project\<project name> folder in Windows and the usr/autodesk/project/<project_name>/ directory in Linux. The context parameters include some attributes not defined in the Project or the User Management pages. They are saved and reloaded each time the context (same user and same project) applies. Contextual settings include:

Context parameters are stored in the <user>Context.config file. For information, see the Autodesk Lustre Software Installation Guide.

Note: The Context.config file can be deleted by holding Shift and clicking the User Delete button.
Note: It is recommended that you verify your user-level and project-level parameters in the User and Project configuration menus, prior to starting a project. See User Configurationand Project Configuration.