FBX Import Settings

Auto Fit In Scene button
Enable to scale the imported model to fit into the current frame. When disabled, the imported model maintains the same size in which it was created, or you can use the FBX Units to Pixels field to manually set a scaling factor.
FBX Units to Pixels field
Displays the scaling factor used on the imported FBX file to fit the scaling used in the application. One unit in the FBX file (default is cm) is converted to the number of pixels (default is 10) that you specify.
FBX Import Type box
Select an FBX import type. Select Link to Original File to keep a live link to the original FBX file, but without control over the components of the scene. Select Create Local Copy to have control over the elements of the scene, but lose the link.
Keep FBX Frame Rate button
Enable to use the frame rate of the FBX file as the frame rate in Action.
Tip: It might be useful to enable Keep FBX Frame Rate when importing an FBX file before starting to build your animation, otherwise the timing of your animation may be affected.
Bake FBX Animation button
Enable to add a keyframe at every frame of the imported FBX file. When disabled, Action translates the FBX keyframes to a comparable animation curve for comparable channels.
Create Media button
Enable to load the textures of the geometry to the Media list. If a texture is used in multiple geometry maps, it is loaded only once in the Media list. Not available if Action is accessed as a Timeline FX.
Lights button
Enable to import lights from the FBX format file.
Cameras button
Enable to import cameras from the FBX format file. Free cameras are imported as target cameras (with a point of interest).
Mesh Animations button
Enable to import the FBX scene animations and preserve complex geometry animations , such as nCloth animations.
Normals button
Enable to import the model's normal information.