Lustre Software, Project, and User Configuration Files

Configuration File Overview

The configuration files define all the necessary settings your software needs to recognize various hardware and software settings on the Master Station and on the dedicated render station.

The following is a list of the Lustre configuration files.

Configuration file Lustre Standalone Location Flame Premium Grading Location Description
init.config /usr/autodesk/lustre <version>/ /usr/autodesk/lustre <version>/ This file stores system settings as well as Wiretap servers, Lustre ShotReactor settings, and film stock information.
login.config /usr/autodesk/lustre <version>/ /usr/autodesk/lustre <version>/ This file records the last user and last project used so at the next session, the user and project login defaults will reflect these values.
project.config /usr/autodesk/projects/<project>/project.config /usr/discreet/project/<project>/project.config This file stores project-level information including project settings, calibration, rendering, engineering, and Backburner and Wiretap settings specific to the project.
user.config /usr/autodesk/users/<user>/user.config /usr/discreet/user/grading/<user>/user.config This file stores user settings specific to a particular user, such as Autosave, printer light, GUI background/gain/gamma.
<user>Context.config /usr/autodesk/projects/<project>/<user>Context.config /usr/discreet/project/<project>/<user>Context.config This file stores several settings relevant to the context of a particular user working on a particular project. The purpose of storing context-specific information is that there are some parameter settings that, by their nature, are more likely to be needed in the next session, but that are not configurable in the Project Management pages.

System Settings

You can configure the system settings manually in the init.config file. If these system settings are not configured, Lustre uses the default system settings. The following table describes the relevant system settings that can be configured.

Note: All keyword values are case-sensitive.
Parameter Data type Default Function
<MainProjectHome> String   Location of the Project configuration settings folder.
<MainUserHome> String   Location of the User configuration settings folder.
<GlobalGradeBinHome> String   Defines the location of the global Grade bin.
<LutHome> String [LUSTRE_HOME]/lut Defines the location of the LUTs.
Note: If you are configuring a remote ShotReactor system, and [LUSTRE_HOME] is located on a mounted network drive, make sure you use the full UNC path of the network folder instead of the mapped drive letter.
<PresetsHome> String [LUSTRE_HOME]/presets Defines the location of the presets.
Note: If you are configuring a remote ShotReactor system, and [LUSTRE_HOME] is located on a mounted network drive, make sure you use the full UNC path of the network folder instead of the mapped drive letter.
<PluginsHome> String [LUSTRE_HOME]/plugins Defines the location of the plug-ins.
Note: If you are configuring a remote ShotReactor system, and [LUSTRE_HOME] is located on a mounted network drive, make sure you use the full UNC path of the network folder instead of the mapped drive letter.
<TemplatesHome> String [LUSTRE_HOME]/templates Defines the location of the templates.
Note: If you are configuring a remote ShotReactor system, and [LUSTRE_HOME] is located on a mounted network drive, make sure you use the full UNC path of the network folder instead of the mapped drive letter.
<HelpWebBased state> String On Defines the location of the Lustre Help that is opened by the Help button and shortcut. Lustre Help is web-based by default.
<HelpLocalPath> String   Defines the default location for Lustre Help when it is installed locally.

(within <MediaBrowseHideFoldersGroup>)

String degrain_cache,original, matte,marry_grade, and 128x96 Hides the degrain cache, original, matte, marry_grade, and 128x96 folders from the file browser.
Note: You can hide any additional folder by adding the folder name to the list.
<ServerAuto> State On Specifies whether Lustre automatically scans for Wiretap servers.

(within <WiretapServer Group>)

String The IP address or DNS host name for a specific Wiretap server. If one or more <WiretapServer> keywords are set to valid Wiretap server addresses, Lustre lists the content of these servers in the browser before the results of the auto scan. If <ServerAuto> is set to OFF, only the specified Wiretap servers are listed in the browser.

(within <WiretapGatewayServer Group>)

String The IP address or DNS host name for a specific Wiretap Gateway server.

(within <PathTranslationTable>)

String Allows you to map hostnames to IP addresses, as well as to define path translation rules.
<NTSCImageAspectRatio> Float 1.3333333333333 Applies the correct aspect ration to NTSC resolution footage rendered to the Wiretap server, but not imported from the Wiretap server.
<PALImageAsepectRatio> Float 1.3333333333333 Applies the correct aspect ratio to PAL resolution footage rendered to the Wiretap server, but not imported from the Wiretap server.
<DisplayType> Enumerated (abstract data) LCD Specifies the monitor display type (e.g., LCD or CRT).
<Calibration_Steps> Integer 10 Specifies the number of monitor calibration steps performed.
<AutodeskPanels> State On When ON, this keyword enables the Autodesk Control Surface (ACS). When OFF, Lustre enables the Tangent CP100 control surface (if applicable).

You must also set the path for the control surface rules file in the Panel Setup File field.

<PanelIDs>   function=”0”



The ID numbers for the Function, Navigation, and Grading panels of the ACS. You must manually configure these keywords.

If your control surface is a Tangent CP100, Lustre does not use these keywords.

<PanelIPTags>   function=”101”



<Port> Integer 1055 All computers on the BrowseD network must use the same port to communicate.
Note: For Linux over IP, set the port value to 1044.
<Username> String root Administrative user on the BrowseD server.
<Password> String xxx Password for the administrative user.
Note: To encrypt the password, set the attribute toEncrypt to yes. The next time the application starts, the password string is encrypted in the configuration file.
<UseInfi> State Off Switch to ON if the networking protocol to use with BrowseD is the InfiniBand.
<ReadCacheBuffer Num> Integer 0  
<ReadCacheThread Num> Integer 0  

(within <BrowsedServer Group>)

String Defines the IP address or DNS host name for a specific BrowseD server.
<HostName> String   The IP address or DNS host name for a specific ShotReactor machine.
<Timeout> Integer 5000 Sets the timeout duration (in milliseconds) of the automatic ShotReactor detection.
<Hostname> String localhost The IP address or DNS host name for a specific Backburner Manager machine.
<Transcode> String localhost The IP address or DNS host name for a specific WT Gateway that will be used to create and access the transcoded media.
<MatchCustom> Name “AliasName” type=”s” Specifies the XML metadata field to be used by the Custom match option selected from the Browse menu.

“s” represents string.

<MatchCustom> Name “DPXTimeCode” type=”tc” “tc” represents timecode.
<MatchCustom> Name “DPXkeycode” type=”kk” “kk” represents keycode.
<MatchCustom> Name “DPXTapeNAME” type=”s” “s” represents string.
<MatchCustom> Name “EDLReelName” type=”s” “s” represents string.
<MatchCustom> Name “DL_EDLClip_ name” type=”s” “s” represents string.
<MatchCustom> Name “DL_edlFrameID” type=”i” “i” represents integer.
<MatchCustom> Name “DLEDL_startTC” type=”tc” “tc” represents timecode.
<PlayoutHighSpeed> State Off When OFF, it refreshes the Player as you are performing a playout. When ON, the Player is no longer refreshed and therefore the performance of the playout improves.
<WTTFirstSDLeadIn Correction> Integer 1 Sets the delay for the SD first lead-in.
<WTTSubsequentSD LeadInCorrection> Integer 2 Delays all the lead-ins following the SD first shot.
<WTTSDLeadIn Increment> Integer 0 Corrects the delay after the SD third shot.
<WTTFirstHDLeadIn Correction> Integer 0 Sets the delay for the HD first lead-in.
<WTTSubsequentHD LeadInCorrection> Integer 0 Delays all the lead-ins following the HD first shot.
<WTTHDLeadIn Increment> Integer 0 Corrects the delay after the HD third shot.
<VtrTCTD> Integer 10

The TimeCode Transition Delay specifies the number of milliseconds the application waits before asking for timecode from the VTR. The default value of 10 ms works for most decks. For HDCAM-SR decks use the following values:

  • 14, for 1080/59i/60 or 720/50/59/60
  • 21 for other timings
<DPXHeaderOffsetCheck> State On When this keyword is enabled, Lustre reads the DPX / Cineon® file header of each frame in a sequence. This is useful when using DPX/Cineon files that have a different media offset within the same sequence of files. When disabled, Lustre reads only the first frame header of a sequence.
Danger: Turning this keyword on can alter playback performance.
<DisablePanScan Frame> State On  
<NVidiaSDISync> State Off  
<NVidiaPlayoutDelay> Integer 0  
<BlockSize> Integer 2048  
<AudioResyncTime> Float -1  
<LoadingSetup> Integer 0  
<EnableKeykode Sending> Enumerated (abstract data) Off  
<LoginGUIGain> Float 1.0  
<LoginGUIGamma> Float 1.0  
<ClusterPlayDelay> Integer 0 Available for Incinerator® only.
<ClusterSmooth Playback> State Off Available for Incinerator only.
<ChangeCutOffset> State On Allows the change cut or match grade feature to preserve the keyframe animations based on therecord timecode whenever a shothas been replaced or moved withina timeline.
Note: Be sure to enable only the Record button within the Match Option when performing a change cut or match grade.
<AnimCopy_UsingTrimOffset_Off> State On

"On" enables the first animation keyframe to load on the first frame of the shot.

"Off" enables the first keyframe to be loaded according to the source frame number (and thus load with the offset).

<PreallocEnable> State Off Allows Burn rendering from a Lustre Windows workstation to use CXFS SAN preallocation.
<FirstFrameNumber> Integer On  
<StartShotFrameNumber> Integer On  
<DefaultDelivrablePanScanFilter> Enumerated (abstract data) Fast Possible values are:
  • Fast(Lanczos2 filter)
  • Quality (Lanczos2 filter)
  • Custom (BSpline filter)
<RenderNaming> See Render Naming Settings
<NormalMode> String   Normal render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<NoShotIdMode> String   No Shot Id render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<OneSeqMode> String   One Sequence render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<SrcGradeMode> String   Source Grade render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<StereoNormalMode> String   Stereoscopic Normal render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<StereoNoShotIdMode> String   Stereoscopic No Shot Id render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<StereoOneSeqMode> String   Stereoscopic One Sequence render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<StereoSrcGradeMode> String   Stereoscopic Source Grade render mode file path and token based naming convention.
<NormalPadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the Normal render mode.
<NoShotIdPadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the No Shot Id render mode.
<OneSeqPadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the One Sequence render mode.
<SrcGradePadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the Source Grade render mode.
<StereoNormalPadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the Streroscopic Normal render mode.
<StereoNoShotIdPadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the Stereoscopic No Shot Id render mode.
<StereoOneSeqPadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the Stereoscopic One Sequence render mode.
<StereoSrcGradePadding> String   Defines the padding of the file name (the number of digits used for file numbering) for the Stereoscopic Source Grade render mode.
<DumpDLEDLPath> String   Path to place the contents of a DLEDL when it is loaded in the timeline or Shot bin.
<DumpWiretapCreate Clip> State Off When ON, the attributes of a Wiretap clip are placed into a log file each time a clip is created on a Wiretap server. The file WiretapClipDump.log is located in the Lustre home folder. Use this keyword for debugging only.
<FilmType> Name   Various film types for AGFA, Kodak, Eastman, and Fuji emulsions. It defines the relationship between the DPX film emulsion code and the DPX film code number.