Similar to the workflow of the Lens Flare, you can add texture components to a blooming node to enhance the effect. When using blooming in Stamping mode, texture components must be attached to see any result.
The Stamping tab of the Blooming menu has global settings for all attached components, but each component texture has its own menu to control settings particular to it.
Be aware of the following when working with texture components attached to a blooming node:
- Each type of component can be added multiple times to a blooming object, each with its own settings.
- Some settings in the Basic tab of the component menu do not affect stamping, such as Number, Position, Variance, and Seed. Only one instance of the texture pattern is used for stamping, so these settings have no effect.
- You can use the Border FX settings for each component to decide how the luminance of the objects that the blooming is affecting modulates the Basics settings (Intensity, Scale, Rotation, and Ratio) of the texture pattern. Centre and Spread are not used for blooming.
- You can re-texture a component using a Diffuse Map with your own texture media applied. To do so, select the component in the schematic, then select the media you want to use from the media list, and double-click the Diffuse Map node in the node bin. In this case, the Pattern settings in the component menu are not applicable, though you can still use the settings in the Basics and Border FX tabs of the component menu, as well as the Diffuse menu settings.