Clip Information Reference

Detailed information about clips such as resolution, frame rate, and size can be displayed directly in the schematic. Visual cues such as symbols and letters identify clips that have had specific types of operations applied to them.

The colour of the clip information and the letters and symbols can also provide useful information at a glance.

Clip Information

Specify the clip information to be displayed under clips in the schematic by selecting an option from the Thumbnails area of the User Interface Preferences:
Select: To display:
Clip Name Only button Enable to display only the name of clips on thumbnails.
Secondary Information box Select the secondary clip information displayed on thumbnails. The options are: No Secondary Information, Record Timecode, and Source Timecode.
Resolution Information box Select the clip resolution information displayed on thumbnails. The options are: No Resolution Information, Resolution, Frame rate, and Resolution & Frame rate.
Display Keycode button Enable to display keycode information on thumbnails.
Render Effects button Enable to display rendered frames in thumbnails of clips with applied but unrendered effects. Disable to display "Unrendered" in the thumbnails of such clips.

Clip Name Colouring

The colour of the clip name in the schematic shows where the particular clip originated.
Colour: Origin:
White Media panel
Blue Batch iteration
Pink Read File node
Red No media found (clip is also displayed as a black proxy)
Green BFX Back Clip

Clip Status Symbols

The following visual cues show the type of clip and its status:

(A) symbol and Audio Context outline
Indicates that an audio context is set for the clip or node. In addition to the A, the clip has a dotted purple outline. The letter A is followed by the number of the context, for example, A2 is the second Audio context.
(C) symbol and Context outline
Indicates that a context is set for this clip or node. In addition to the C, the clip has a dotted green outline. The letter C is followed by the number of the context, for example, C1 is the first video context.
LUT symbol
Indicates that a LUT was applied to the clip. The first and second number represent the source and destination bit depths, for example [8 -> 16f].
[R] symbol
Indicates that a Resize was applied to the clip.
(BFX) symbol
Indicates that a Batch FX was applied to a timeline made up of one segment, or the clip was converted as a Create BFX. The clip can be expanded.
(bfx) symbol
Indicates that a Batch FX was applied to a timeline made up of multiple segments. Setups of clips containing more than one segment cannot be expanded.