Graphics/FragmentGraph/ConnectionPoint.h File Reference

ConnectionPoint.h File Reference
#include "./Variable.h"
#include "../../maxtypes.h"


class  ConnectionPoint
 ConnectionPoint is the base class that manages the connections between view fragments. More...
class  Input
 Class that stores input information for a fragment. More...
class  Output
 Class that stores output information for a fragment. More...




FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Char
 Built-in char input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedChar
 Built-in unsigned char input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_WideChar
 Built-in wchar_t input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Short
 Built-in short input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedShort
 Built-in unsigned short input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Int
 Built-in int input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt
 Built-in unsigned int input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Long
 Built-in long input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedLong
 Built-in unsigned long input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Int64
 Built-in __int64 input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_UnsignedInt64
 Built-in unsigned __int64 input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Float
 Built-in float input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Double
 Built-in double input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_StringA
 Built-in multi-byte string input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_StringW
 Built-in Unicode string input/output type. More...
FragmentGraphAPI Class_ID TYPE_ID_Dictionary
 Built-in dictionary input/output type. More...