IGame/IGameFX.h File Reference

IGameFX.h File Reference
#include "../maxheap.h"
#include "../BuildWarnings.h"
#include "../strclass.h"


class  IGameFX
 Main interface for parsing a generic effect file. More...
class  IGameFXProperty
 An interface that holds the data for an individual parameter in the D3D effect. This will include global parameters, samplers and transform data. More...
class  IGameFXPass
 Interface that holds per pass information. Each technique will be made up of one or more passes. More...
class  IGameFXTechnique
 An interface holding technique information for the effect. Each technqiue is made up of one or more passes. More...
class  IGameFXFunction
 Access function data contained in the effect file. More...

