Method Groups for Class MtlBase
The methods in this class are grouped below.
(Links go to the MtlBase Class Reference page.)
- Naming Methods
- MtlBase::GetName()
MtlBase::SetName(MSTR s)
- Flag Access Methods
- MtlBase::SetMtlFlag(int mask, BOOL val=TRUE)
MtlBase::ClearMtlFlag(int mask)
MtlBase::TestMtlFlag(int mask)
- Requirement Methods
- MtlBase::Requirements(int subMtlNum)
MtlBase::LocalRequirements(int subMtlNum)
MtlBase::MappingsRequired(int subMtlNum, BitArray & mapreq, BitArray &bumpreq)
MtlBase::LocalMappingsRequired(int subMtlNum, BitArray &mapreq, BitArray &bumpreq)
- BuildMaps Method
- MtlBase::BuildMaps(TimeValue t, RenderMapsContext &rmc)
- Methods to access sub texture maps of materials or texmaps
- MtlBase::IsMultiMtl()
- Update / Reset / Validity
- MtlBase::Update(TimeValue t, Interval& valid)=0
MtlBase::Validity(TimeValue t)=0
- User Interface Methods
- MtlBase::CreateParamDlg(HWND hwMtlEdit, IMtlParams *imp)=0
- Multiple Map Display in the Viewports
- MtlBase::SupportsMultiMapsInViewport()
MtlBase::SetupGfxMultiMaps(TimeValue t, Material *mtl, MtlMakerCallback &cb)
- Loading and Saving Methods
- MtlBase::Load(ILoad *iload)
MtlBase::Save(ISave *isave)
- Enumerate Auxilliary Files Implementation
- MtlBase::EnumAuxFiles(AssetEnumCallback& nameEnum, DWORD flags)
- GBuffer (System) Methods
- MtlBase::GetGBufID()
MtlBase::SetGBufID(ULONG id)
- Operators
- MtlBase::operator=(const MtlBase& m)
- Postage Stamp Image Methods
- The Material / Map Browser supports the display of small and large icon images for material and texture maps. The methods below deal with the creation, access and deletion of these images. The small size image is 32 pixels. The large size is 88 pixels.
MtlBase::GetPStamp(int sz)
MtlBase::CreatePStamp(int sz, BOOL Render = FALSE)
MtlBase::DiscardPStamp(int sz)
- Internal Methods
- MtlBase::GetMeditObjType()
MtlBase::SetMeditObjType(int t)
MtlBase::SetMeditTiling(int t)
- The following methods are for doing interactive texture display
- MtlBase::SupportTexDisplay()
MtlBase::ActivateTexDisplay(BOOL onoff)
MtlBase::GetActiveTexHandle(TimeValue t, TexHandleMaker& thmaker)