Method Groups for Class PolyShape
The methods in this class are grouped below.
(Links go to the PolyShape Class Reference page.)
- Constructors / Destructor / Init() / GetMatID
- PolyShape::PolyShape()
PolyShape::PolyShape(PolyShape& from)
PolyShape::GetMatID(int poly, int piece)
- SetNumLines() / NewShape() / NewLine()
- PolyShape::SetNumLines(int count, BOOL keep = TRUE)
- Append / Insert / Delete / Reverse()
- PolyShape::Append(PolyLine &l)
PolyShape::Insert(int where, PolyLine& l)
PolyShape::Delete(int where)
PolyShape::Reverse(int poly, BOOL keepZero=FALSE)
PolyShape::Reverse(BitArray &reverse, BOOL keepZero=FALSE)
- Bounding Box / InvalidateGeomCache() / InvalidateCapCache()
- PolyShape::BuildBoundingBox()
PolyShape::GetBoundingBox(Matrix3 *tm=NULL)
PolyShape::GetDeformBBox(TimeValue t, Box3& box, Matrix3 *tm, BOOL useSel)
PolyShape::InvalidateGeomCache(BOOL unused)
- Render / Select / Snap / Transform
- PolyShape::Render(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, RECT *rp, int compFlags, int numMat)
PolyShape::Select(GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, HitRegion *hr, int abortOnHit = FALSE)
PolyShape::Snap(GraphicsWindow *gw, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, Matrix3 &tm)
PolyShape::Snap(GraphicsWindow *gw, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, Matrix3 &tm, DWORD flags)
PolyShape::Transform(Matrix3 &tm)
- Capping Methods
- PolyShape::MakeCap(TimeValue t, MeshCapInfo &capInfo, int capType)
PolyShape::MakeCap(TimeValue t, PatchCapInfo &capInfo)
PolyShape::Make3DSCap(MeshCapInfo &capInfo, DWORD options = 0)
PolyShape::MakeGridCap(MeshCapInfo &capInfo)
- Dump() / Load() / Save()
- PolyShape::Dump(TCHAR *title = NULL)
PolyShape::Save(ISave *isave)
PolyShape::Load(ILoad *iload)
- Shape Hierarchy
- PolyShape::UpdateCachedHierarchy()
PolyShape::OrganizeCurves(TimeValue t, ShapeHierarchy *hier = NULL)
- Selection / UpdateSels()
- PolyShape::VertexTempSel(int poly)
- Data Flow Evaluation
- PolyShape::ShallowCopy(PolyShape *ashape, ChannelMask channels)
PolyShape::DeepCopy(PolyShape *ashape, ChannelMask channels)
PolyShape::NewAndCopyChannels(ChannelMask channels)
PolyShape::FreeChannels(ChannelMask channels, int zeroOthers=1)
- Operators
- PolyShape::operator=(PolyShape& from)
PolyShape::operator=(BezierShape& from)