maxtextfile.h File Reference

maxtextfile.h File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "maxstring.h"
#include "maxchar.h"
#include "utilexp.h"


class  BaseTextReader
 This class is the base for all text file readers. More...
class  BaseTextWriter
 This class is the base for all text file writers. More...
class  Reader
 Reads and interprets text files. More...
class  Writer
 Write Text files. More...
class  ReaderWriter
 This class is used to access text file with both reader and writer functionality. More...




enum  LineEndMode { Unchanged, Enforce_CRLF, Enforce_LF, Text = Enforce_CRLF }
 LineEndMode is used to control how text file end of line characters are handled. More...


UtilExport bool GetCodePageNumberFromString (const MCHAR *codePageName, unsigned int &codePage)
 Convert the codepage name string to the codepage number in codPageTable. More...