clip function set
Maya uses animation clips as the building block of its nonlinear animation system, "Trax". An animation clip allows the user to bundle a set of animation curves independent of time so that they can be reused multiple times, with different timing then the original clip.
Character sets (MFnCharacter) are integral to Maya's clip architecture, since a clip contains whatever attributes of the character were animated when the clip was created. For more information on character sets, refer to the MFnCharacter documentation.
Clips in maya can be of two types: source clips and scheduled clips. In the Maya UI, source clips are visible in the Visor while scheduled clips are visible in Trax. A source clip contains the animation curves for the clip. A scheduled clip contains data about the placement of an instance of a source clip in the Maya timeline. In this context, an "instance" means that the animation curves from the source clip are shared by the scheduled clip. Scheduled clips never contain their own animation curves, they always refer to a source clip's curves.
For example, if you create a clip called "run" in maya that lasts from frames 1-20, a source clip node will be created with a start of 1, a duration of 19, and dependency graph connections to all of the animation curves that make up the "run". If you then place an instance of the run clip at frame 5 and another instance of the run clip at frame 20, you have 2 scheduled clips: one with a start frame of 5 and one with a start frame of 20. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, only a single set of animation curves exist for the run regardless of the number of times the run is scheduled.
Trax also allows you to create "blends" between clips, which enable you to control the transition between the clips. A blend is represented in the dependency graph by an "animBlendInOut" node, which uses an animation curve to determine the transition type.
In the dependency graph, when a character has animation clips, the character node will always be connected to a "clipLibrary" node and a "clipScheduler" node. The clipLibrary node is connected to all of the source clips and their animation curves. The clipScheduler node is connected to the scheduled clips and blends. It is the clipScheduler that computes the final animation by looking at the placement and overlap of the clips and feeding the attribute data back into the character set.
To create a source clip, the typical steps are:
If the attributes are not already in a character, create a character containing the attributes.
Create a source clip using MFnClip::createSourceClip
Attach the clip to a character using MFnCharacter::attachSourceToCharacter
Attach animation curves to the clip using MFnCharacter::addCurveToClip
To create a scheduled clip so that it appears in the Trax Editor, the typical steps are:
Create an instanced animClip node using MFnClip::createInstancedClip, and associate it with the source clip that you want to instance.
Attach the clip instance to the character using MFnCharacter::attachInstanceToCharacter
virtual MFn::Type | type () const |
| Function set type. More...
virtual | ~MFnClip () |
| Destructor.
| MFnClip () |
| Default constructor.
| MFnClip (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Constructor. More...
MObject | createSourceClip (const MTime &sourceStart, const MTime &sourceDuration, MDGModifier &dgMod, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Creates a source clip node and associates it with this function set. More...
MObject | createInstancedClip (MObject &sourceClip, const MTime &start, MDGModifier &dgMod, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL, bool absolute=1, double postCycle=0.0, double weight=1.0, double scale=1.0, double preCycle=0.0) |
| Creates an instance of a clip that will be viewable in the Trax editor. More...
bool | isInstancedClip (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return true or false as to whether the clip node represents the source clip or an instanced clip. More...
bool | isPose (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return true or false as to whether the clip node represents a pose. More...
MObject | sourceClip (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the source clip associated with the MFnClip's clip. More...
double | getPreCycle (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of this clip's pre cycle attribute. More...
double | getPostCycle (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of this clip's post cycle attribute. More...
double | getCycle (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method is obsolete. More...
double | getWeight (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of this clip's weight attribute. More...
double | getScale (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of this clip's scale attribute. More...
bool | getAbsolute (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| This method is obsolete. More...
bool | getEnabled (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of this clip's enable attribute. More...
MTime | getStartFrame (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of this clip's start frame. More...
MTime | getSourceStart (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of the start frame of this clip's source clip. More...
MTime | getSourceDuration (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the value of the start frame of this clip's source duration. More...
MStatus | getMemberAnimCurves (MObjectArray &curves, MPlugArray &associatedAttrs) |
| Return two arrays: the first contains the animCurves associated with this clip. More...
MStatus | getAbsoluteChannelSettings (MIntArray &absoluteChannels) |
| Return an array indicating which channels of the clip are absolute and which are relative. More...
int | getTrack (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Return the track number for the clip. More...
MStatus | setPoseClip (bool state, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify whether or not this clip node should be tagged as a pose rather than a clip. More...
MStatus | setPreCycle (double cycle, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify the pre cycle value for the clip. More...
MStatus | setPostCycle (double cycle, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify the post cycle value for the clip. More...
MStatus | setCycle (double cycle, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus | setWeight (double wt, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify a weight value for the clip. More...
MStatus | setScale (double scale, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify a scale value for the clip. More...
MStatus | setAbsolute (bool abs, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus | setEnabled (bool val, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify whether or not the clip is enabled. More...
MStatus | setStartFrame (const MTime &start, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify the start frame for the instanced clip. More...
MStatus | setSourceData (const MTime &start, const MTime &duration, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify the start frame and duration for the source clip associated with this clip. More...
MStatus | setTrack (int index, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Specify the one-based track number for the clip. More...
MStatus | setAbsoluteChannelSettings (const MIntArray &absoluteChannels, MDGModifier *mod=NULL) |
| Set which channels of the clip are absolute and which are relative. More...
| MFnClip (const MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~MFnDependencyNode () |
| Destructor.
| MFnDependencyNode () |
| Default constructor.
| MFnDependencyNode (MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Constructor. More...
MObject | create (const MTypeId &typeId, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More...
MObject | create (const MTypeId &typeId, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Creates a new dependency node with the given type tag. More...
MObject | create (const MString &type, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More...
MObject | create (const MString &type, const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Creates a new dependency node with the given type. More...
MTypeId | typeId (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the type id of this node. More...
MString | typeName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the type name of this node. More...
MString | name (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the name of this node. More...
MString | pluginName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the name of the plug-in this MFnDependendencyNode was defined in. More...
MString | setName (const MString &name, bool createNamespace=false, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Sets the name of this node. More...
MUuid | uuid (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the node's UUID. More...
void | setUuid (const MUuid &uuid, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Sets the node's UUID. More...
MStatus | getConnections (MPlugArray &array) const |
| Get all of the current connections to this node as an array of plugs. More...
unsigned int | attributeCount (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the number of attributes that this node has. More...
MObject | attribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Finds the attribute of this node at the given index. More...
MObject | reorderedAttribute (unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Some nodes, such as the various animCurve nodes, require that their attributes be set in a specific order for proper operation. More...
MObject | attribute (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Finds the attribute of this node that has the given name. More...
MAttrClass | attributeClass (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the class (normal, dynamic, extension) of the specified attribute. More...
MStatus | getAffectedAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedAttributes) const |
| Returns an array of attributes that are affected by the attribute passed in. More...
MStatus | getAffectedByAttributes (const MObject &attr, MObjectArray &affectedByAttributes) const |
| Returns an array of attributes that affect the attribute passed in, attr. More...
MPlug | findPlug (const MObject &attr, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More...
MPlug | findPlug (const MString &attrName, bool wantNetworkedPlug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Attempt to find a plug for the given attribute. More...
MPlug | findPlug (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| This method is obsolete. More...
MPlug | findPlug (const MString &attrName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus | addAttribute (const MObject &attr) |
| Add a new dynamic attibute to this node. More...
MStatus | removeAttribute (const MObject &attr) |
| Remove a dynamic attribute from a node. More...
MPxNode * | userNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| If the function set's node is a plug-in node, then this method will extract the MPxNode pointer from it. More...
bool | isFromReferencedFile (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Indicates whether or not this node came from a referenced file. More...
bool | isShared (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Indicates whether or not this node is shared. More...
bool | isTrackingEdits (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns whether or not edits on the given node are being tracked by the generalized edit system. More...
bool | hasUniqueName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Indicates whether or not this node's name is unique within the scene. More...
MString | parentNamespace (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the name of the namespace in which this node resides. More...
bool | isLocked (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Indicates whether or not this node is locked. More...
MStatus | setLocked (bool locked) |
| Locks or unlocks this node. More...
bool | isNewAttribute (const MObject &attr, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Indicates whether or not the specified attribute was added to this node within the current scene. More...
MStatus | setFlag (unsigned int flag, bool state) |
| Sets the state of the specified flag for the node. More...
bool | isFlagSet (unsigned int flag, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Retrieves the current state of the specified flag for a node. More...
bool | isDefaultNode (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns true if the node is a default node. More...
MStatus | setDoNotWrite (bool flag) |
| Use this method to mark the "do not write" state of this node. More...
bool | canBeWritten (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the do not write state of the node. More...
bool | hasAttribute (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns true if the node already has an attribute with the given name. More...
MObject | getAliasAttr (bool force, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Returns the node's alias attribute, which is a special attribute used to store information about the node's attribute aliases. More...
bool | setAlias (const MString &alias, const MString &name, const MPlug &plug, bool add=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Sets or removes an alias (i.e. More...
bool | findAlias (const MString &alias, MObject &attrObj, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Retrieves the attribute with the given alias. More...
bool | getAliasList (MStringArray &strArray, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Returns a list of all attribute aliases for this node. More...
MString | plugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| Returns the alias for the plug's attribute or the empty string if that attribute has no alias. More...
MStatus | setIcon (const MString &filename) |
| Associates a custom icon with the node for display in the Maya UI. More...
MString | icon (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the custom icon filename associated with the node. More...
MStatus | getExternalContent (MExternalContentInfoTable &table) const |
| Returns the external content (files) that this node depends on. More...
MStatus | addExternalContentForFileAttr (MExternalContentInfoTable &table, const MObject &attr) const |
| Adds content info to the specified table from a file path attribute. More...
MStatus | setExternalContentForFileAttr (const MObject &attr, const MExternalContentLocationTable &table) |
| Sets content info in the specified attribute from the table. More...
MStatus | setExternalContent (const MExternalContentLocationTable &table) |
| Changes the location of external content. More...
MString | setName (const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus) |
| MFnDependencyNode (const MObject &object, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
bool | getPlugsAlias (const MPlug &plug, MString &aliasName, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
virtual const adsk::Data::Associations * | metadata (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus | setMetadata (const adsk::Data::Associations &) |
| This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus | deleteMetadata () |
| This method is not available in Python. More...
virtual MStatus | validateMetadata (MString &errors) const |
| This method is not available in Python. More...
MStatus | dgTimerOn () |
| Indicates that this node should collect DG timing data whenever DG timing is enabled. More...
MStatus | dgTimerOff () |
| Indicates that this node should no longer collect DG timing data when DG timing is enabled. More...
MdgTimerState | dgTimerQueryState (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) |
| The function returns the current on/off state of the node's timer. More...
MStatus | dgTimerReset () |
| The function resets the dependency graph timers and counters for this node to zero. More...
double | dgTimer (const MdgTimerMetric timerMetric, const MdgTimerType timerType, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| The function returns the specified timer value for the current node. More...
MStatus | dgCallbacks (const MdgTimerType type, MStringArray &callbackName, MDoubleArray &value) |
| Node callbacks that occur when timing is enabled get logged with the node and can be queried via this method. More...
MStatus | dgCallbackIds (const MdgTimerType type, const MString &callbackName, MCallbackIdArray &callbackId, MDoubleArray &value) |
| This method provides a further breakdown of the per-callback time returned via dgCallbacks() by returning the data on a per-callbackId basis. More...
MStatus | addAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type) |
| This method is obsolete. More...
MStatus | removeAttribute (const MObject &attr, MAttrClass type) |
| This method is obsolete. More...
virtual | ~MFnBase () |
| Class Destructor. More...
bool | hasObj (MFn::Type) const |
| Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More...
bool | hasObj (const MObject &) const |
| Determines whether or not the Function Set is compatible with the specified Maya Object within the API RTTI system. More...
MObject | object (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const |
| Returns the MObject that is attached to the Function Set. More...
virtual MStatus | setObject (MObject &object) |
| Attaches the Function Set to the specified Maya Object. More...
virtual MStatus | setObject (const MObject &object) |