Selection state information used in MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select.
MSelectInfo is used with user defined shape selection and is passed as an argument to the MPxSurfaceShapeUI::select method. This class encapsulates all the selection state information for selected objects.
- apiMeshShape/apiMeshShapeUI.cpp, apiMeshShape/apiMeshShapeUI.h, apiSimpleShape/apiSimpleShapeUI.cpp, apiSimpleShape/apiSimpleShapeUI.h, gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheGLPickingSelect.h, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheRasterSelect.h, gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheShapeNode.h, and quadricShape/quadricShape.cpp.
| MSelectInfo () |
| Constructor.
| MSelectInfo (const MSelectInfo &in) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| ~MSelectInfo () |
| Destructor.
M3dView | view () |
| Returns the view that the current selection is taking place in. More...
bool | singleSelection () const |
| This method determines if we want to select a single object. More...
bool | selectClosest () const |
| Determines if we want to select the closest object. More...
bool | selectable (MSelectionMask &mask) const |
| Given the selection mask, this method determines if the object is selectable. More...
bool | selectableComponent (bool displayed, MSelectionMask &mask) const |
| Given the selection mask, this method determines if the component is selectable. More...
void | selectRect (unsigned int &x, unsigned int &y, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height) const |
| Get the current selection rectangle dimensions. More...
bool | isRay () const |
| Is there a selection ray. More...
MMatrix | getAlignmentMatrix () const |
| Returns the alignment matrix. More...
void | getLocalRay (MPoint &, MVector &) const |
| Get the selection ray. More...
bool | selectForHilite (const MSelectionMask &) const |
| Give the selection mask, can this object be selected for the hilite list. More...
bool | selectOnHilitedOnly () const |
| This means that you can only select components if the object is hilited. More...
int | highestPriority () const |
| Returns the highest selection priority value. More...
void | setHighestPriority (int) |
| Sets the highest selection priority value. More...
void | addSelection (const MSelectionList &item, const MPoint &point, MSelectionList &list, MPointArray &points, const MSelectionMask &mask, bool isComponent) |
| Adds components or objects to the active selection list. More...
bool | setSnapPoint (const MPoint &point) |
| When a snapping operation is being performed the shape's overridden MPxSurfaceShapeUI::snap() method can call this method to set the point to be snapped to. More...
MDagPath | selectPath () const |
| Returns a path to the item that is being selected. More...
| MDrawInfo () |
| Constructor.
| MDrawInfo (const MDrawInfo &in) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~MDrawInfo () |
| Destructor.
MDrawRequest | getPrototype (const MPxSurfaceShapeUI &drawHandler) const |
| This method creates a draw request based on the current draw state. More...
M3dView | view () const |
| Returns the view that the drawing will take place. More...
const MDagPath | multiPath () const |
| Returns the path to the object to be drawn. More...
void | setMultiPath (const MDagPath &) |
| Sets the path of the object to be drawn.
const MMatrix | projectionMatrix () const |
| Returns the camera*projection matrix. More...
const MMatrix | inclusiveMatrix () const |
| Returns the world space inclusive matrix. More...
M3dView::DisplayStyle | displayStyle () const |
| The display appearance. More...
M3dView::DisplayStatus | displayStatus () const |
| Returns the status of the object to draw. More...
bool | objectDisplayStatus (M3dView::DisplayObjects) const |
| Determines whether the specified objects are allowed to be displayed. More...
bool | pluginObjectDisplayStatus (const MString &pluginDisplayFilter) const |
| Determines whether the specified plugin object is allowed to be displayed. More...
bool | inSelect () const |
| Returns true if this is called from within the select method of MPxSurfaceShapeUI. More...
bool | inUserInteraction () const |
| Returns true during any interactive refresh, as when user is interacting with the scene in any way including camera changes, object or component TRS changes, etc. More...
bool | userChangingViewContext () const |
| Returns true during any interactive refresh, as when user is changing the view using view context tools such as tumble, dolly or track. More...
bool | completelyInside () const |
| Returns true if the object being drawn is inside the viewing frustum. More...
bool | canDrawComponent (bool isDisplayOn, const MSelectionMask &compMask) const |
| Convenience method to test if components specified by the given mask can be drawn. More...