- vnnCompound(*args, **kwargs)¶
The vnnCompoundcommand is used to operate compound and its VNN graph. The first parameter is the full name of the DG node that contains the VNN graph. The second parameter is the name of the compound.
Long Name / Short Name Argument Types Properties addNode / an unicode Add a node into the compound. addStatePortUI / spu bool Pop up a window to add iteration state port. canResetToFactory / crf unicode Query if the specified compound can be reset to its initial status. connected / cn bool Used with listNodesor listPortsto query the nodes or internal ports that have connections when the argument is true. If the arguments is false, return all nodes which have no connection. The other side of the connection could be another node or port. connectedTo / ct unicode Used with listNodesto query all nodes that connect to the specified ports. connectedToInput / cti bool Used with listNodesto query all nodes which connect to any input ports. connectedToOutput / cto bool Used with listNodesto query all nodes that connect to any output ports. create / c unicode Create a sub compound in the specified compound. The name of the created sub compound cannot be used before in the specified compound. createInputPort / cip unicode, unicode Create an input port in the compound. The first argument is the name of the port. The second argument is the data type of the port. createOutputPort / cop unicode, unicode Create an output port in the compound. The first argument is the name of the port. The second argument is the data type of the port. deletePort / dp unicode Delete a input or output port from the compound. explode / ec unicode Explode a specified compound and move the nodes from it to its parent. inputPort / ip bool Used with listPortsto query all internal ports which connect to any input ports in the compound. listNodes / ln bool List all nodes in the compound. Can be used with other flags, such as dataType, connectedToInputto query some specified nodes. The returned result is a list of node names. listPortChildren / lpc unicode List the children of specified port. listPorts / lp bool List all internal ports in the compound, including input and output ports. Can be used with other flags, such as output, connectedto query some specified ports. moveNodeIn / mi unicode Move the specified node into the compound. movePort / mp unicode, int Move a port to the specified index in the compound nodeType / nt unicode Used with listNodesto query all nodes which are specified node type in the compound. outputPort / op bool Used with listPortsto query all nodes which connect to any output ports in the compound. queryIsReferenced / qir bool Query if the compound is referenced. queryMetaData / qmd unicode Query the value(s) of a metadata. queryPortDataType / qpt unicode Query the data type of a specified port. queryPortMetaDataValue / qpm unicode, unicode Query the metadata value of a specified port. The first argument is the port to query, the second is the type of metadata to query. removeNode / rmn unicode Remove the specified node from the compound. renameNode / rn unicode, unicode Rename a node in the compound. The first argument is the old name of the node. The second argument is the new name. renamePort / rp unicode, unicode Rename a port of the compound. The first argument is the old name of the port. The second argument is the new name. resetToFactory / rtf unicode Reset the specified compound to its initial status. The specified compound must be able to be reset. saveAs / sa unicode Used to export Compound in the Compound menu of the Node Editor. The argument is the file path to save. setIsReferenced / sir bool Change the referenced status of the compound. If -sir/setIsReferencedis true, the compound will be made public, else the compound will be made private to its parent compound. setMetaData / smd unicode, unicode Set the value of a metatada. The arguments are, in order, metadata name, metadata value to be set. setPortDataType / spt unicode, unicode Set the data type of a specified compound port. setPortMetaDataValue / spm unicode, unicode, unicode Set the metadata value of a specified compound port. The arguments are, in order, port name, metadata name, metadata value to be set. specializedTypeName / stn bool Used to query the specialized implementation class names such as Bifrost_DoWhile, or Compoundfor a normal compound Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list. Derived from mel command maya.cmds.vnnCompound