Troubleshoot issues with Send to Mudbox

Send to Mudbox missing from the File menu

Send to Mudbox is only available in the File menu if you have matching versions of Maya and Mudbox. (Maya 2016 and Mudbox 2016 are matching versions.)

If you have an appropriate version of Mudbox installed but Send to Mudbox is missing from the File menu, check to make sure the OneClick.mll plug-in is loaded using the Plug-in Manager (Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager).

Problems Detected in Imported Mesh

In some cases when you send objects from Maya, Mudbox detects an issue with the mesh. Either of the following warnings can appear when you send the mesh.

Both of these problems can be corrected in Maya.

To correct a High-valence vertex issue

    Note: This problem is often associated with spherical objects.
  1. Select the object in Maya.
  2. Open the Attribute Editor (Window > Attribute Editor) and select the History tab for the poly object.
  3. Change the Subdivisions Axis and Subdivisions Height values to 15.

To correct a UV Faces Crossing Tile Boundaries issue

  1. Open the UV Texture Editor (Window > UV Texture Editor) and select the Move UV Shell tool.
  2. Reduce the size of the object so that it is not touching the UV shell borders.
Note: Multiple materials on the same mesh are not supported in Mudbox. If you send a mesh with multiple materials from Maya to Mudbox, only the material applied to the first face (ID 0) of the mesh appears in Mudbox.