Options in this submenu help converting NURBS, Polygons, Curves, Paint effects, Fluids to Subdivs, Curves, Polygons, and Objects.
Converts the selected NURBS object(s) to polygons.
Modify > Convert > NURBS to Polygons >
to set the
NURBS to Polygons Options.
Converts the selected NURBS object(s) to subdivision surfaces.
Modify > Convert > NURBS to Subdiv >
to set the
NURBS to Subdiv Options.
Converts the selected polygon object(s) to subdivision surfaces.
Modify > Convert > Polygons to Subdiv >
to set the
Polygons to Subdiv Options.
Converts a Smooth Mesh Preview version of a polygon mesh to an actual polygon mesh. The attribute settings for the Smooth Mesh Preview are used when converting to the polygon mesh.
Produces a curve based on selected poly edges. History is preserved so that changes to the mesh are propagated to the curve.
Modify > Convert > NURBS to Polygons >
to set the
Polygon Edges to Curve Options.
Converts the selected subdivision surface(s) to polygons.
Modify > Convert > Subdiv to Polygons >
to set the
Subdiv to Polygons Options.
Converts the selected subdivision surface(s) to NURBS.
Modify > Convert > Subdiv to NURBS >
to set the
Subdiv to NURBS Options.
Converts the selected Paint Effects strokes to poly meshes, and it includes construction history. For more information, see Convert Paint Effects to geometry.
Modify > Convert > Paint Effects to Polygons >
to set the
Paint Effects to Polygons Options.
Converts the selected Paint Effects strokes to NURBS geometry. For more information, see Convert Paint Effects to geometry.
Modify > Convert > Paint Effects to NURBS >
to set the
Paint Effects to NURBS Options.
Converts the selected Paint Effects strokes to curves. For more information, see Convert Paint Effects to geometry.
Modify > Convert > Paint Effects to Curves >
to set the
Paint Effects to Curves Options.
Texture to Geometry converts an image into geometry by creating a polygonal mesh that is subdivided based on the colors in the image. The subdivided faces on the mesh can be assigned a shading material with a similar color to the original image. The subdivided polygonal mesh can then be used as is, or be made to wrap onto the original polygonal mesh so it appears in the same location as the original texture map. The original texture image is not modified
Modify > Convert > Texture to Geometry >
to set the
Texture to Geometry Options.
Lets you convert a displacement mapped subdivision surface to polygons to see the tessellation triangles.
Converts the selected displacement to a polygon object that has construction history. Using Convert > Displacement to Polygons with History is useful in Dynamics and nDynamics for creating effects such as colliding nParticles with a Maya ocean, which is a displacement.
Converts a fluid object to a polygon mesh, which you can treat like any other polygon. See Converting fluids to polygons.
Converts an nParticle object to a polygon mesh, which you can treat like any other polygon.
Converts selected polygon geometry to bounding boxes.
Modify > Convert > Geometry to Bounding Box >
to set the
Geometry to Bounding Box Options.
Lets you convert instanced XGen spline primitives to polygon objects.
from the to set
Convert Primitives to Polygons Options. See also
Convert XGen hair and fur to Maya geometry.