
When you have multiple windows open in the Model Display pane, you can 'lock' them so that everything that you do in one window happens in another window at exactly the same time.

There are three workflows when you might want to lock windows:
Icon Command Function
Lock View Locks or unlocks one window at a time, for model manipulation, enabling you to choose which windows to synchronize.
Lock Plot Locks or unlocks one window at a time, to display or modify the properties of the results, enabling you to choose which windows to synchronize
Lock Animation Locks or unlocks one window at a time, for animating results, enabling you to choose which windows to synchronize
Lock All Views Locks all windows, to synchronize model manipulation.
Lock All Plots Locks all windows, to synchronize viewing of results.
Lock All Animations Locks all windows, to synchronize results animation.
Unlock All Views Unlocks all windows, to remove synchronization of the model manipulation.
Unlock All Plots Unlocks all windows, to remove synchronization of the results viewing.
Unlock All Animations Unlocks all windows, to remove synchronization of the results animation.