Creating a .stl file from a partial fill result

You can use this feature to generate a CAD file at a specific fill time step. Ensure you have Autodesk 3ds Max installed on your computer.

  1. Run an analysis sequence that includes Fill.
  2. Select the Fill time result.
  3. Click (Results tab > Animation panel > Play) and run the animation. Determine how much of the fill result you want to export; for example, or do you want to export only up where an air trap is being formed?
  4. When you have determined how much of the fill time result you want to export, click (Results tab > Export and Publish panel > FBX).
  5. Select a file location in which to save the file, change the default units if desired, then click OK.
  6. In 3ds Max, click Customize > Units setup and ensure the units are set appropriately for the model.
  7. Import the file into 3ds Max.
  8. Note: The system axis is always Z-up, as indicated in the FBX Import dialog. This will flip the orientation of the model.
  9. Click Views > Viewport Configuration and change the Visual Style, so that the Rendering Level is Hidden Line.
  10. Change Illuminate with: to Default Lights, then uncheck Default Lights Follow View Angle, Shadows and Ambient Occlusion.
  11. Click Apply to Active View, then click OK.
  12. Note: Do not move/rotate the model, as it will translate the geometry.
  13. Save the model as a .max file.
  14. The imported geometry from a 3D part has at least 3 layers:
    • Filled area
    • Unfilled area
    • Flow front

    To create a .stl file of only the filled area, the unfilled layer must be removed.

  15. Click Select by Name to see the various layers.
  16. Select a layer then click OK to determine if it corresponds to the unfilled area. Repeat for each layer. The unfilled layer is the one in which the unfilled mesh appears white.
  17. With the unfilled layer selected, press Delete on your keyboard to remove the layer.
  18. Click Application Menu, then click Export > Export.
  19. Select the *.STL file type and a file location to store the file, and give the file a name. Click OK.
  20. In the Export STL File dialog, select Binary or ASCII, but make sure the Selected only box is unchecked. Click OK.
  21. In your Autodesk Moldflow product, with your study open, click (Home tab > Import panel > Add), select the .stl file you have just created and click Open.
  22. The .stl file will be added to your study, but will require re-orientation in order to overlay with your original model.

  23. Click (Geometry tab > Utilities panel > Move) and select the operation you require from the drop down menu.