Layer Display dialog

You can set layer-specific display properties for a particular entity type, to change the visibility or display color of all elements assigned to a particular layer.

To access this dialog, select the desired layer in the Layers pane and then click Layer Display on the Layers pane ribbon.

Make sure the layer you are interested in is active.
Layer Display commands
Dialog element Function
Entity type

Select the entity type you want to modify from the drop-down list. A layer will often have more than one entity type; you can select each one in turn and assign different display settings.


Specify the display color for the selected entity type within a layer. If you don't like the default color, you can use the original color used in the CAD package, or specify a different color.

Show as

Select a display method from the drop-down list. The display method changes depending on the type of entity


Specify whether each entity type within a layer is visible, or hidden. Click in the box to turn

visibility on or off.

Labels Display on or off the labels of each entity type.
Note: If a layer is set to display triangles as shrunken through this dialog, it will override the default display setting in the Default Display tab of the Options dialog ( Application button > Options > Default Display).