There are two parts to exporting Fill+Pack, Fiber and Warp results to PATRAN. The first is running the mpi2pat.vbs macro to create the necessary files; the second is locating the files and using them in PATRAN. The interface will convert any Midplane or 3D model to a PATRAN command database file.
A prerequisite of using the interface to PATRAN is to run Fill+Pack analysis, with or without fiber orientation analysis first.
For a 3D model, 3D Warp needs to run to produce the initial stress values to be converted into PATRAN interface files. The 3D initial stress values are first saved in the *.tsp file in the project folder. After running the mpi2pat.vbs macro, they are saved in the <filename>_initStress.ele file in Patran format.
The mesh model will be converted to the PATRAN 2.5 Neutral file format (*.pat). The result data will be converted to PATRAN 2.5 Results Files (*.ele), and each layer has its own file with extension *.ele.008, corresponding to the layer number.