Exporting models and files

You can export data in different formats and import the files into other software.

The supported export formats and their functions are summarized in the following table.

Output format (extension) Entities exported Purpose for export Available for...
Moldflow Results file (*.mfr) Selected study results1 Share results using Autodesk Moldflow Communicator
  • Midplane
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D
Autodesk Shape Manager File (*.smt, *.smb) CAD bodies Share CAD bodies with another CAD package. Not Applicable
Zip Archive (*.zip) Entire project or selected studies Archive studies, or zip project for colleagues or Technical Support
  • Midplane
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D

Altair Hyper3D (*.h3d)

Meshed model and study results Provide mesh and result data directly in the format supported by Altair Engineering's HyperView 9.0 visualization products2
  • Midplane
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D

ASCII FBX File (*.fbx)

Selected model entities and study results Export part surface and result data to Autodesk Showcase software for photo-realistic visualization
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D
ASCII Model File (*.udm) Entire study contents Export the study to an ASCII format file for support diagnosis or for data transfer
  • Midplane
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D

Patran File (*.pat)

Nodes, triangles, beams, tetrahedra Import the model into a 3rd party CAE system
  • Midplane
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D

M3I File (*.m3i)

3D study files MPI 2.0 format for storing 3D mesh
  • 3D

MFL File (*.mfl)

Nodes, triangles, beams, basic properties Obsolete format-provided for compatibility with MPI 2.0
  • Midplane
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D

ASCII IGES File (*.igs)

NURBS surfaces, permitted NURBS curves Import the model in a 3rd party CAD system for editing purposes
  • Midplane
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D

Surface mesh for AMA (*.amm)

Triangles3 Prepare a surface mesh to be imported into Autodesk Moldflow Adviser
  • Dual Domain

SAT v7 (*.sat)

CAD model4 Export a CAD model to a SAT v7 format file to allow geometry modification using Autodesk SimStudio Tools
  • Dual Domain
  • 3D
Permitted NURBS curves
IGES entity no. Description
102 Composite Curve
126 Rational B-Spline Curve
128 Rational B-Spline Surface
142 Curve on a Parametric Surface
144 Trimmed Surface
1 Before an Moldflow Results file (*.mfr) can be generated, the selected results must be marked for export in the project.
2 HyperView 9.0 displays mesh and result data associated with mesh nodes or elements. HyperView Player 9.0 displays mesh only. Earlier versions of HyperView and HyperView Player cannot display exported *.h3d files.
3 A Surface mesh for AMA (*.amm) file only includes the portion of the Dual Domain model that is meshed with triangles; typically this is the part only. Other model entities, such as beams, and boundary conditions, such as injection locations, are not included in this export file format.
4 The study must contain at least one imported CAD model in a supported native geometry format in order to export the geometry to the SAT v7 format.