Interface to ANSYS

The interface to ANSYS enables you to export the mesh and key material and analysis data for further stress analyses in ANSYS.

Injection molding specific distributions of initial stress, and material properties such as the orthotropic mechanical properties, and linear thermal expansion coefficients, are the key elements of this interface.


The interface to ANSYS requires the following:


The following restrictions apply to the interface to ANSYS:


When working with layered, spatially varying materials, the ANSYS Interface for Autodesk assumes the following:

  • 20 laminates will be output.
    Note: Fill+Pack outputs 12 laminates by default and will therefore be interpolated to 20 laminates for ANSYS.

Data exported / files created

The interface to ANSYS creates the following files:

The data exported by the interface includes:

Additional notes

The interface automatically creates a set of three fixities such that the nodes construct a maximum inscribed circle to fix the rigid body motion only for warpage calculation. You may wish to apply alternate displacement constraints within ANSYS prior to analysis.

ANSYS has stricter rules regarding element aspect ratio so the molding simulation mesh may generate a number of warnings within ANSYS. These warnings may be ignored.

For a Midplane mesh, the interface creates shell181 elements. If there are structural beams in the model, they are created as beam4 elements. You can use a different element type that supports laminate initial stress and material property data by providing a suitable mapping in the *.cdb (command database) file generated by the interface.

For a 3D mesh that comprises four-node tetrahedra, the interface creates 10-node solid187 elements. This requires a mid-point generation command to be run in the ANSYS pre-processor. You can use a different solid element that supports orthotropic properties by providing a suitable mapping in the *.cdb file generated by the interface.

The ANSYS SHELL181 element includes the effects of transverse shear deformation. This requires the shear moduli G23 and G13 to be used in this element, which is different to what the Warp solver does.

ANSYS cannot be automatically instructed to run a large deflection analysis; a linear analysis with one loading step is run by default. If you have selected a large deflection analysis in this product, you need to make appropriate changes to the ANSYS command script to also run a large deflection analysis; otherwise, the results of the two products will not be comparable.

The 3D Warp analysis is based on proprietary solver technology, and the element type(s) used in ANSYS can differ from those used in 3D Warp models. Therefore, there may be a difference in the magnitude of the deflections calculated by ANSYS 3D and 3D Warp analyses. However, the warped shape should be the same in both results.