Attachment File Types Not Supported in Chat

Some types of files cannot be sent in a Communicator chat message.

The following table lists the file types that are not supported by the send file option in a chat window.

File extension File type
.ade Microsoft Access project extension
.adp Microsoft Access project
.app Application file
.asp Active server page
.bas Microsoft Visual Basic class module
.bat Batch file
.cer Internet Security Certificate file
.chm Compiled HTML Help file
.cmd DOS CP/M command file, Microsoft Windows NT command script
.cnt Windows Help contents file
.com Microsoft MS_DOS program
.cpl Control Panel extension
.crt Security certificate
.csh Script file
.der DER Encoded X509 certificate file
.exe Executable file
.fxp Microsoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
.gadget Windows Gadget
.grp Windows program group file
.hlp Help file
.hpj Help project file
.hta HTML program
.inf Information or setup file
.ins Internet Naming Service
.isp Internet Communication settings
.its Internet Document Set file
.jar JAVA archive file
.js JavaScript source code
.jse JScript Encoded script file
.ksh UNIX Shell script file
.lnk Windows shortcut
.mad Microsoft Access module shortcut
.maf Microsoft Access shortcut
.mag Microsoft Access diagram shortcut
.mam Microsoft Access macro shortcut
.maq Microsoft Access query shortcut
.mar Microsoft Access report shortcut
.mas Microsoft Access stored procedures
.mat Microsoft Access table shortcut
.mau Media attachment unit
.mav Microsoft Access view shortcut
.maw Microsoft Access data access page
.mcf Manifest configuration file
.mda Microsoft Access add-in program
.mdb Microsoft Access program
.mde Microsoft Access MDE database file
.mdt Microsoft Access data file
.mdw Microsoft Access workgroup
.mdz Microsoft Access wizard program
.msc Microsoft Common Console document
.msh Windows PowerShell script helper
.msh1 Windows PowerShell script helper
.msh2 Windows PowerShell script helper
.mshxml Windows PowerShell script helper
.msh1xml Windows PowerShell script helper
.msh2xml Windows PowerShell script helper
.msi Windows Installer package
.msp Windows Installer update package file
.mst Visual Test source file
.ops Microsoft profile settings file
.osd Open software description file
.pcd Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
.pif Windows program information file
.pl Perl script file
.plg Developer Studio build log
.prf Outlook profile file
.prg Program source file
.ps1 Windows PowerShell
.ps1x Windows PowerShell