Dockable Windows

Dockable windows can be moved and resized, and either floated or docked to a location.

The following windows are dockable:

Note: The listed dockable windows are native to Revit; however, applications created by 3rd parties may also use dockable windows.

Video: Dockable Windows

A docked window shares one or more edges with adjacent windows and toolbars. If a shared edge is moved, the windows change shape to compensate. You can also float windows anywhere on the screen, if necessary.

An undocked window is one that has been separated from the application window. Each undocked window can be moved around the screen or screens as desired. Undocked windows can be resized and grouped.

Tip: You can quickly dock and undock a window by double-clicking the window's title bar.

A window group is a way to have more than one window occupy the same amount of space on the screen. When windows are grouped, each window is represented by a tab at the bottom of the group. In a group, click a tab to display that window. You can group or ungroup windows as necessary. In the following image, the Project Browser and Properties Palette are grouped. Notice that the Properties Palette is the active tab.

To show a dockable window

  1. Click View tabWindows panel (User Interface).
  2. Select the check box next to the desired window in the drop-down list.

To hide a dockable window

  1. Click View tabWindows panel (User Interface).
  2. Clear the check box next to the desired window in the drop-down list, or click the Close button (the X) at the top of the window.

To move a dockable window

  1. Click and drag the title bar at the top of the window.
  2. Optional: To prevent a window from automatically docking while you drag it, hold down the CTRL key.
  3. Important: When moving dockable windows, it helps to pay attention to the cursor position and the visual cues. For example, say that the Project Browser and Properties palette are currently undocked and you want them to be stacked and docked on the left. To dock the Project Browser on the left, position the cursor in the title bar, and drag the window until the cursor is touching the edge of the Revit interface on the left. The outline of the window gives you a preview. Using the same method, drag the Properties palette. Position the cursor on the lower edge of the title bar of the docked Project Browser, and notice in the preview of the window that the palettes will stack one above the other. (If you position the cursor within the title bar however, above the lower edge, the palettes will display as overlapping tabbed windows.)

To group dockable windows

  1. Click and drag the title bar of the window to be added to another window or group.
  2. Drop the window on the title bar of the receiving window or group. A tab with the name of the dragged window is added to the bottom of the receiving window.

To ungroup dockable windows

  1. Within the group, click the tab for the window you want to remove.
  2. Click and drag the window tab out of the group.
  3. Drop the window to ungroup it.