Modify Piping System Properties

You can modify piping system properties using the System Properties tool available from the system editor.

  1. In the drawing area, select one of the components in the system, and click the appropriate (Duct, or Pipe) Systems tabSystem Tools panelEdit System (Piping System or Duct System).

    When more than one system is associated with the selected component, the Select a System dialog opens.

  2. Select a system and click OK.

    All except the components in the selected system are dimmed in the view, and the system editing tools display. The Options Bar displays the System Name, System Equipment and the Number of Elements in the system.

  3. Click Edit Duct/Pipe System tabProperties panelProperties (Piping System or Duct System ).

    Instance properties for the selected system display in the Properties palette.

    Make changes and click Apply.
  4. Click Finish Editing System to confirm the selection or Cancel Editing System to discard the change.
Parameter Description
Number of Elements The number of piping components in the system.
System Equipment Mechanical equipment assigned to the system.
System Type The type of system (Hydronic Return, Hydronic Supply, Other).
System Name String that uniquely identifies the system.
Volume The volume of liquid contained in the system.
Static Pressure Pressure with no fluid flowing in the system.
Fluid Type Fluid type.
Fluid Temperature Fluid temperature - units are determined by Project Units setting.
Fluid Dynamic Viscosity Fluid resistance to flow - units are determined by Project Units setting.
Fluid Density Fluid weight per cubic measure - units are determined by Project Units setting.
Flow Cumulative flow for the system, based on the flow for individual components in the system.