You can export a Revit sheet as a DWF file, mark it up electronically using software like Autodesk Design Review, then link the markups back into Revit to see the desired changes in the context of the project.
The Link Markup Page to Revit Sheets dialog opens. Under the DWF View column, the dialog displays the sheet view names that are marked up in the DWF file. The Revit View column displays the corresponding sheet view. If the sheet name from the DWF file is the same as the sheet name from the Revit file, then the Revit sheet name is automatically filled in the Revit View column.
If the Revit sheet view name changed after it was exported to DWF, the Revit View column displays <Not linked> next to the DWF sheet view.
You might also do this if you have several other sheet views in the Revit file, and you want to apply the markups to one of the other sheet views. This would make sense only if the other sheet title blocks were the same size as the original.
The DWF markups are placed on the sheet view as an import symbol. The markups are pinned, which means that you cannot modify their position or copy, rotate, mirror, delete, or group them unless they were created in Autodesk Design Review.