For a component-based stair assembly, you can change common stair dimensions like the actual run width or floor-to-floor height.
Refer to the following table for a list of common stair modifications.
If you want to change the... | then... |
tread depth calculation rules for a stair type | edit the Calculation Rules in the stair type properties. See Use the Stair Calculator. |
actual run width for a stair type | change the value for the Minimum Run Width. See Stair Component Type Properties. |
actual run width for a run instance | use one of the following methods:
floor-to-floor height of a stair |
use one of the following methods to modify the floor-to-floor height:
See Stair Component Instance Properties. The value for the Actual Riser Height property changes to accommodate the stair height change. The Stair layout remains the same, including the Actual Tread Depth, and Total Actual Number of Risers values. |
number of risers | modify the Maximum Riser Height stair type property. |
actual tread depth |
modify the Actual Tread Depth stair instance property. See Stair Component Instance Properties. The floor-to-floor height of the stair is maintained and the Total Actual Number of Risers remains the same. |