Use a Wall tool to create a non-bearing wall or a structural wall in the building model.
Use the Doors tool to place a door in a wall. Select a door type from the Type Selector.
Use the Windows tool to place windows in a wall or skylights in a roof. Select a window type from the Type Selector.
Components are used to model building elements that are usually delivered and installed on site, such as furniture and plumbing fixtures.
Architectural Columns
Use architectural columns to model column box-outs around structural columns and for decorative applications.
Create a roof from a building footprint or an extrusion.
Use the Ceiling tool to create a ceiling at a specified distance above its level. To place a ceiling, click within walls that form a closed loop, or sketch its boundaries.
Use the Floor tool to create level, sloped, or multi-layer floors.
Curtain Elements
Use curtain element tools to create building facades. You can use curtain walls, curtain grids, mullions, and curtain systems to create the desired look.
Create railings that are free-standing or attached to hosts such as floors, ramps, or stairs.
Create ramps in a plan or 3D view by sketching the run of the ramp or by sketching boundary lines and riser lines.
Stair by Component
Create a stair by assembling common run, landing, and support components.
Stair by Sketch
Create stairs in a plan view by defining the run of the stairs or by sketching riser lines and boundary lines.
Model Text
Use model text to create signs or lettering on a building or wall.
Model Lines
Use model lines to create 3D lines that are part of the design.
Create rooms in a plan view with the Room tool, or add them to a schedule to be placed in the model later.
Use an Opening tool to cut openings in walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, structural beams, braces, and structural columns.