Multiple Importance Sampling 3.11
The quasi random ray tracing of scenes with complex lighting setups can
take a long time to render because it needs a massive amount of samples to
compute a visually pleasing result without perceivable noise. If there is
any knowledge available about emission or reflection properties then those
can be taken into account to guide sampling towards the most contributing
effects, also called importance sampling. This can
lead to dramatically reduced render times for the same quality. mental ray
employs such techniques in various places, for example when applying a
BSDF to a material, or when using
area lights with light importance sampling
These individual techniques can be combined to achieve even better efficiency,
called multiple importance sampling. Once enabled
with a scene option, it will be applied
in cases where both a material BSDF
and supported area lights are used together that are eligible for
light importance sampling.
See also Known Limitations.
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