Standard Snaps

Standard snaps let you snap to mesh and shape objects, as well as to the active grid.

Note: The layout of the Grid And Snap Settings dialog is generated at runtime. Because of this, it might appear slightly different than the illustration shown here.

Non-grid snap types, when active, take priority over Grid Points and Grid Lines snaps: if the mouse is equally near a grid point and some other snap type, it will choose the other snap type.

Note: The button images shown below are from the Snaps toolbar.
Grid Points

Snaps to grid intersections. This snap type is on by default. Keyboard shortcut=Alt+F5.

Grid Lines

Snaps to any point on a grid line.


Snaps to pivot points of objects. Keyboard shortcut=Alt+F6.

Bounding Box

Snaps to one of the eight corners of an object's bounding box.


Snaps to the perpendicular point on a spline, relative to the previous point.


Snaps to a tangent point on a spline, relative to the previous point.


Snaps to vertices of mesh objects or objects that can be converted to editable meshes. Snaps to segments on splines. Keyboard shortcut=Alt+F7.


Snaps to the end points of edges on meshes or spline vertices. Keyboard shortcut=Alt+F8


Snaps anywhere along edges (visible or invisible) or spline segments. Keyboard shortcut=Alt+F10.


Snaps to the middle of edges on meshes and spline segments. Keyboard shortcut=Alt+F9.


Snaps anywhere on the surface of a face. Back faces are culled, so they have no effect. Keyboard shortcut=Alt+F11.

Center Face

Snaps to the center of triangular faces.