The Quick Access toolbar provides some of the most commonly used file-management commands, as well as Undo and Redo.
- New Scene
Click to begin a New scene.
- Open File
Click to Open a saved scene.
- Save File
Click to Save the currently open scene.
- Undo Scene Operation
Click to undo the previous operation. Click the down-arrow to display an ordered list of previous operations, so you can choose the point from which to undo your work. See Undo/Redo.
- Redo Scene Operation
Click to redo the previous operation. Click the down-arrow to display an ordered list of previous operations, so you can choose the point from which to redo your work. See Undo/Redo.
- Project Folder
Click to open a dialog that lets you set the project folder for the current scene.
- Workspaces drop-down list
- Click to open the drop-down list for managing the Workspaces feature.
- Quick Access toolbar drop-down menu
Click to display a drop-down menu for managing Quick Access toolbar display.
Customize Quick Access Toolbar:
- [Quick Access toolbar choices] Each choice toggles display of a button on the Quick Access toolbar.
- Hide/Show Menu Bar Choose this to hide or show the menu bar.
- Show Below/Above the Ribbon Choose this to display the Quick Access toolbar either just below the ribbon, as a part of the ribbon, or “above” it in the default location on the Caption bar.
Note: This option is available only when the ribbon is open using the horizontal format, and attaches the Quick Access toolbar to the ribbon. If you then close the ribbon (Customize
Show UI
Show Ribbon), the toolbar closes as well. To restore it, open the ribbon.
Tip: You can customize the Quick Access toolbar, like any other 3ds Max toolbar, with the Toolbars panel of the Customize User Interface dialog. You can also delete a button directly from the toolbar by right-clicking it and choosing Remove From Quick Access Toolbar. In addition, you can add any button from the ribbon by right-clicking the button and choosing Add To Quick Access Toolbar.
Quick Access Toolbar Right-Click Menu
When you right-click a button on the Quick Access toolbar, 3ds Max opens a drop-down menu with several choices.
- Remove from Quick Access Toolbar
Turns off display of the button you clicked. This is the same as turning off its display by using the Quick Access toolbar drop-down menu. You can turn display of the button back on by using that same drop-down menu.
- Add Separator
Adds a separator, a vertical line (usually gray), to the right of the button. This can help make the toolbar more legible.
To remove a separator, right-click it and choose Remove From Quick Access Toolbar.
- Show Quick Access Toolbar Above/Below the Ribbon
Choose this to display the Quick Access toolbar either just below the ribbon, as a part of the ribbon, or “above” it in the default location on the Caption bar.
Note: This option is available only when the ribbon is open using the horizontal format, and attaches the Quick Access toolbar to the ribbon. If you then close the ribbon (Customize
Show UI
Show Ribbon), the toolbar closes as well. To restore it, open the ribbon.