Sending to Maya or MotionBuilder converts a 3ds Max CAT bipedal character into a Maya- or MotionBuilder-compatible HumanIK character. This compatibility allows you to transfer your character structure/definition and animation from 3ds Max to an FK representation on a HumanIK skeleton in Maya or MotionBuilder. Any changes or new animation that you create in Maya or MotionBuilder can be sent back onto your original CAT character in 3ds Max. You can then continue to animate in the context of your 3ds Max scene.
To send a CAT character to Maya or MotionBuilder:
- In 3ds Max, create a CAT biped and position it in a T-stance.
Note: A T-stance is required to ensure that your CAT character has a valid skeleton definition once it is transferred to HumanIK.
- Select a spine bone, then go to the Modify panel.
- If necessary, change the Spine Control to Keyframed. When a warning dialog appears, click Yes.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the neck bone.
- Select your CAT character and send it to Maya or MotionBuilder: Application menu Send To Send To Maya/MotionBuilder Send As New Scene.
Selecting just one element of the character sends the entire character to Maya or MotionBuilder.
Note: If your CAT character is not a valid biped, it will be sent to Maya or MotionBuilder without a skeleton definition. If your CAT character is a biped with extra limbs, the bipedal part of the structure will be converted to HumanIK (HIK) and the remaining limbs will be converted to simple joints.
- Maya or MotionBuilder loads your CAT character as an HIK character.
The character loads with a valid skeleton definition, and any animation you created in 3ds Max is baked onto your character's HumanIK skeleton or simple joints. You can now animate this HumanIK character in Maya or MotionBuilder.
- To activate a HumanIK Control Rig, open the Character Controls window (Window Animation Editors HumanIK) and choose Control Rig from the Source drop-down list.
To retarget animation from another HumanIK character to your CAT character, select the other HumanIK character from the Source drop-down list.