Calculate the constituent properties from an existing lamina.
In order to use a lamina with the MCT failure criterion in Helius Composite, that lamina must have associated fiber and matrix materials. These constituent material properties must be consistent with the composite properties. This calculation uses the same micromechanical model as used in Calculating New Lamina Properties from Micromechanics. The difference is that the fiber and matrix properties are not known and the composite properties are. This tool will take your best initial guess at the fiber and matrix properties and iterate upon them until they yield the desired composite properties.
To optimize an existing lamina, navigate to
. This will open the window shown below.After you set up the fields for the optimization process and click Optimize, the process begins. At this point, Helius Composite will let you know that the optimization process is working. Once the optimization step completes, you will be asked to save the optimized material with a new name. This will save the lamina material under the supplied name and the fiber and matrix materials under a similar name with "_Fiber" and "_Matrix" appended to the name. You may be warned of any excessive errors that may have occurred during the optimization. These excessive errors may be a result of incomplete or unlikely material inputs.