AutoCAD Architecture uses the following default layer keys when you create AEC objects.
Default layer keys for creating AEC objects | |
Layer Key | Description |
ANNDTOBJ | Detail marks |
ANNELKEY | Elevation marks |
ANNELOBJ | Elevation objects |
ANNMASK | AutoCAD Architecture masking objects |
ANNMATCH | Match lines |
ANNOBJ | Notes, leaders, etc. |
ANNREV | Revisions |
ANNSXKEY | Section marks |
ANNSXOBJ | Section lines |
ANNSYMOBJ | Annotation marks |
APPL | Appliances |
CAMERA | Cameras |
CASE | Casework |
CASENO | Casework tags |
CEILGRID | Ceiling grids |
CEILOBJ | Ceiling objects |
CHASE | Chases |
COGO | Control points |
COLUMN | Columns |
COMMUN | Communication |
CONTROL | Control systems |
CWLAYOUT | Curtain walls |
CWUNIT | Curtain wall units |
DIMLINE | Dimensions |
DIMMAN | Dimensions (AutoCAD points) |
DOOR | Doors |
DOORNO | Door tags |
DRAINAGE | Drainage |
ELEC | Electric |
ELECNO | Electrical tags |
ELEV | Elevations |
ELEVAT | Elevators |
ELEVHIDE | Elevations (2D) |
EQUIP | Equipment |
EQUIPNO | Equipment tags |
FINCEIL | Ceiling tags |
FINE | Details - fine lines |
FINFLOOR | Finish tags |
FIRE | Fire system equipment |
FURN | Furniture |
FURNNO | Furniture tags |
GRIDBUB | Plan grid bubbles |
GRIDLINE | Column grids |
HATCH | Details - hatching |
HIDDEN | Hidden lines |
LAYGRID | Layout grids |
LIGHTCLG | Ceiling lighting |
LIGHTW | Wall lighting |
MASSELEM | Massing elements |
MASSGRPS | Massing groups |
MASSSLCE | Massing slices |
MED | Details - medium lines |
OPENING | Wall openings |
PEOPLE | People |
PFIXT | Plumbing fixtures |
PLANTS | Plants - outdoor |
PLANTSI | Plants - indoor |
POLYGON | AEC Polygons |
POWER | Electrical power |
PRCL | Property |
PRK-SYM | Parking symbols |
ROOF | Rooflines |
ROOFSLAB | Roof slabs |
ROOMNO | Room tags |
SCHEDOBJ | Schedule tables |
SEATNO | Seating tags |
SECT | Miscellaneous sections |
SECTHIDE | Sections (2D) |
SITE | Site |
SLAB | Slabs |
SPACENO | Space tags |
SPACEOBJ | Space objects |
STAIR | Stairs |
STAIRH | Stair handrails |
STRUCTBEAM | Structural beams |
STRUCTBEAMIDEN | Structural beam tags |
STRUCTBRACE | Structural braces |
STRUCTBRACEIDEN | Structural brace tags |
STRUCTCOLS | Structural columns |
STRUCTCOLSIDEN | Structural column tags |
SWITCH | Electrical switches |
THIN | Details - thin lines |
TINN | Triangulated irregular network |
TITSCALE | Graphical Scales |
TITTEXT | Border and title block |
TITTEXT-DWG | Drawing title text |
TOILACC | Architectural specialties |
TOILNO | Toilet tags |
TOPO | Topography |
UTIL | Site utilities |
VEHICLES | Vehicles |
VIEWPORT | Sheet View viewports |
WALL | Walls |
WALLFIRE | Fire wall patterning |
WALLNO | Wall tags |
WIDE | Details - wide lines |
WIND | Windows |
WINDASSEM | Window assemblies |
WINDNO | Window tags |
XLINE | Construction line |
ZONE | Zones |
ZONENO | Zone tags |