About the Electric CE Data Model

Electric Central Europe is based on the Utility data model which stores geometry and attribute data separately. The EL_POINT and EL_LINE feature classes represent the points and lines that make up the electric network. EL_POINT features are electrical features such as breakers, switches, transformers and other electrical devices. EL_LINE features are the linestring geometries that represents conductors. These features carry the electric current and control its behavior.

EL_STR_POINT and EL_STR_LINE represent the points and lines that make up the structural network. These are structural features such as segments, poles, manholes for trenches, and so forth. They are the structural elements that house the electrical devices.

EL_CONN and EL_STR_CONN are the tables that store connectivity and flow information. We strongly recommend that you do not modify these tables.

Electric labels reference label text from the attribute feature class. To obtain the geometry, they reference the associated geometry feature class (EL_POINT, EL_LINE, EL_STR_POINT or EL_STR_LINE).