Applying Modifiers - Topics Index
The following topics provide the necessary information for creating and applying modifiers
and binding Space Warps to scene objects.
- Modifier : MAXWrapper and SpacewarpModifier : MAXWrapper
Introduction to the Modifier and SpacewarpModifier superclasses derived from MAXWrapper.
- Modifier Common Properties, Operators, and Methods
Lists properties common to all modifiers including name and enabled state in viewport and renderer. Also lists related methods including checking whether a
modifier can be applied to a certain object, adding a modifier to a node, deleting a modifier from a node, collapsing the modifier stack and getting the modifier context transformation matrix and bounding box.
- Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties
Describes how to access sub-object transform properties of modifiers.
- Modify Panel
Lists all methods related to the Modify Panel, including enabling modifiers' show end result button, enabling sub-object selection, adding a modifier to the current selection, setting the current object in the modifier stack etc.
- Modifier and SpacewarpModifier Types
Lists modifier and spacewarpModifier classes accessible in MAXScript.
- SpaceWarp Binding SpacewarpModifiers
Lists spaceWarp Binding classes accessible in MAXScript.
- SpacewarpObject : Node
Lists spaceWarp classes accessible in MAXScript.
- ModifierArray Values
Explains how to access modifiers from the modifier stack of an object.
- Modifier-Related Callbacks
Lists all modifier-related callbacks.