Value > MAXWrapper > Node > GeometryClass > Shape > WideFlange |
The WideFlangeShape is available in 3ds Max 8 and higher under Create>Shapes>"Extended Splines" and provides an "H"-like shape.
Get/set the Length of the Wide Flange shape.
Get/set the Width of the Wide Flange shape.
Get/set the Thickness of the Wide Flange shape.
Get/set the Steps value. This controls the number of subdivisions between two vertices.
Enable/Disable the Optimize option. When set to true, removes unneeded steps from straight segments in the spline.
Enable/Disable the Adaptive option. When true, sets the number of steps for each segment to produce a smooth curve. Straight segments always receive 0 steps.
Controls the creation method when using the Keyboard Entry controls. Possible values are:
Get/set the Length type-in value.
Get/set the Width type-in value.
Get/set the Thickness type-in value.
Controls the state of the "Enable in Renderer" checkbox. When set to true, the spline will be rendered by the production renderer.
Controls the state of the "Enable In Viewport" checkbox. When set to true, the spline's mesh will be displayed in the viewports.
Controls the state of the "Use Viewport Settings" checkbox. When set to true, the mesh displayed in the viewport will use the Viewport settings. When false, the Renderer settings will be used for the viewport mesh, too.
Toggles mapping coordinates generation on and off. The U coordinate wraps once around the thickness of the spline; the V coordinate is mapped once along the length of the spline.
Toggles the real-world map size option on and off.
<WideFlange>.render_displayRenderSettings BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; displayRenderSettings
Toggles the state of the Viewport/Renderer radio buttons. When set to true, the Renderer settings will be displayed in the rollout. When false, the Viewport settings will be shown instead.
When set to true, enables the Rectangular cross-section mode to be used in the renderer. When false (default), enables the Radial cross-section mode. Corresponds to the Radial/Rectangular radio buttons in the UI in Renderer mode.
When set to true, enables the Rectangular cross-section mode to be used in the viewports. When false (default), enables the Radial cross-section mode. Corresponds to the Radial/Rectangular radio buttons in the UI in Viewport mode.
<WideFlange>.render_thickness Float default: 1.0 -- animatable <WideFlange>.thickness Float default: 1.0 -- float
Get/Set the diameter of the Radial renderable spline mesh.
<WideFlange>.render_sides Integer default: 12 -- animatable <WideFlange>.sides Integer default: 3 -- integer
Get/Set the number of sides for the spline mesh in the renderer. A value of 4 will give you a square cross section, for example.
<WideFlange>.render_angle Float default: 0.0 -- animatable <WideFlange>.angle Float default: 0.0 -- float
Get/Set therotational position of the Radial cross-section in the renderer.
Get/Set the length of the Rectangular renderable spline mesh.
Get/Set the width of the Rectangular renderable spline mesh.
Get/Set rotational position of the Rectangular cross-section in the renderer.
Controls the state of the Aspect Lock checkbutton. When set to true, changing the Width will affect the Height and vice-versa, preserving the aspect at the time the lock was engaged.
Get/Set the diameter of the Radial renderable spline mesh in the viewport.
Gets/Sets the number of sides for the Radial spline mesh in the viewports. A value of 4 will give you a square cross section, for example.
Gets/Sets the rotational position of the cross-section in the viewports.
Get/Set the length of the Rectangular spline mesh in the viewports.
Get/Set the width of the Rectangular spline mesh in the viewports.
Get/Set rotational position of the Rectangular cross-section in the viewports.
Controls the state of the Aspect Lock checkbutton. When set to true, changing the Width will affect the Height and vice-versa, preserving the aspect at the time the lock was engaged.
Controls the state of the Auto Smooth checkbox. When set to true, auto smoothing will be enabled.
<WideFlange>.render_threshold Float default: 40.0 -- animatable; Controller Scaling: (1 : 57.2958); WeirdScaled (1.0)