Value>MAXWrapper>Node>Helper> Crowd |
The first frame of the simulation.
The frame at which you begin solving.
Specifies the last frame considered for the solution.
When true, Crowd deletes the keys of active delegates in the range over which the solution takes place.
Saves every nth position frame after the solution.
Saves every nth rotation frame after the solution.
Globally scales all force and velocity vectors that are displayed during the simulation. Scaling vectors up helps to see them better when they are very small. It does not effect the simulation.
When true, Crowd executes a script at each frame of the solution.
The name of the function to be executed. This name must also be specified in the script.
When true, motion produced during solution of a crowd simulation appears in the viewports.
How often the display is updated during the solution. If 1, the update occurs every frame. If 2, the update occurs every other frame, and so on.
When on, only biped/delegates are included in the computation. Also, the options to use priorities and backtracking become available. These options are available only for biped-only computations.
When on, biped/delegates are computed one delegate at a time, in order of their Priority values, from lowest to highest. Also, backtracking becomes available and Step Solve becomes unavailable.
Turns on backtracking functionality when solving a crowd simulation that uses bipeds. When Backtracking is on during the solution, in the case of an impending collision between bipeds, the Crowd system will back up the simulation to the beginning of the current clip, and then try a different traversal of the lower-priority delegate/biped's motion flow graph. If necessary, the system will back up two or more clips.
When true the delegates that collide are highlighted in the collision color.
0 - only during collisions - Colliding delegates are highlighted only in frames in which they actually collide.
1 - always - Colliding delegates are highlighted in frames in which they collide and all subsequent frames.
The color swatch indicates the color used to highlight colliding delegates.
Display the dialog to link any number of delegate-object pairs.
Display the Smoothing dialog to smooth existing animation keys on a solved simulation to create more natural-looking animation
These properties correspond to the Object / Delegate dialog displayed by clicking the Associate Objects with Delegates icon.
When true, Align Objects with Delegates sets each object's absolute scaling factor to that of its corresponding delegates. This is useful if, for example, you've randomized delegates' sizes with the Scatter Objects Scale panel, and want the associated objects to match.
These properties correspond to the Smoothing rollout.
Specify which objects' positions and/or rotations to smooth.
When true, the Select dialog opened by the Select Objects to Smooth button shows only delegates. When off, it shows all scene objects.
0 - Whole Animation: Smoothes all animation frames.
1 - Animation Segment: Smoothes only the frame ranges specified in the From and To fields.
When Animation Segment is chosen, specifies the first animation frame for smoothing.
When Animation Segment is chosen, specifies the last animation frame for smoothing.
When true, selected objects' animation paths generated via the simulation are smoothed after the simulation has finished.
When true, selected objects' rotations generated via the simulation are smoothed after the simulation has finished.