This Function Publishing Interface is exposed by the CATLimbData2ReferenceTarget : ReferenceTarget of all 3ds Max CAT Limb Bones.
Contains true if the Limb Bone is part of a Leg, false if it is not.
Contains true if the Limb Bone is part of an Arm, false if it is not.
Get/set the location of the bone as follows:
Contains the Interface of the Symmetrical Limb. This allows for very fast access to the opposite side of the rig.
Contains the controller of the Palm.
Contains the controller of the Limb's Collar Bone.
Creates an IK Target node and returns it.
Moves the IK Target to the end of the Limb.
Creates an Up Node and returns it.
Creates a Palm Ankle and returns its Interface.
Creates a Collar Bone and returns its interface.
CATLimbData2ReferenceTarget : ReferenceTarget