Interface: AssetManager
AssetManagerCore Interface introduced in
3ds Max 2010 manages the saving of Asset data into the
3ds Max scene file.
In releases prior to
3ds Max 2010, a plug-in that referenced an external file (an asset) holds the asset’s filename
as a string or as a Path object, and stores the filename to the
3ds Max scene file as a string or an IParameterBlock2 TYPE_FILENAME parameter. To allow
3ds Max to identify the assets used by a plug-in, the plug-in implements an IAssetAccessor-derived
class. The information provided from this class was primarily used by the Asset Tracker.
3ds Max 2010, assets are handled as instances of class
AssetUser . An instance of this class contains information on the asset filename, its type,
and the
3ds Max scene file that depends on it (this is used for resolving external references). Access
to, and lifetime management of assets is handled by the
Asset Manager.
Loading and saving the Asset to the
3ds Max scene file is now done through the
AssetUser and the
When saving a
3ds Max scene, the asset data is saved by the Asset Manager to a
separate stream in the
3ds Max file. This gives the capability to external programs to access the asset data to
identify the assets used by the scene and potentially modify the asset data without
loading the scene file into
3ds Max.
The following methods expose the information handled by the AssetManager to MAXScript:
Get Asset
<IObject>AssetManager.GetAsset <&TSTR>fileName <enum>assetType autoAcquire:<bool>
fileName is In parameter
assetType enums: {#Other | #Bitmap | #XRef | #Photometric | #Animation | #VideoPost | #BatchRender | #ExternalLink | #RenderOutput | #PreRenderScript | #PostRenderScript | #Sound | #Container | #MaxCreationGraph}
autoAcquire default value: true
Returns the
AssetUser Object of the asset with the specified file name and asset type.
<IObject>AssetManager.GetAssetByIndex <index>index
Returns the
AssetUser Object of the asset with the given index.
AssetManager.GetNumAssets() to get the number of Assets.
example at the end of this topic for details.
<IObject>GetAssetById <&TSTR>assetid
assetid is In parameter
NEW in 3ds Max 2017: Returns the
AssetUser Object of the asset with the given asset ID.
box material:(standard diffusemap:(bitmaptexture filename:"fur.tga"))
--> $Box:Box002 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]
assetid = (assetmanager.GetAssetByIndex 1).GetAssetId();
--> "{DBD187ED-0BA9-4D07-9B85-BA44F5170FD9}"
assetmanager.GetFileName assetid
--> "fur.tga"
a=assetmanager.GetAssetById assetid
--> <IObject:AssetUser>
--> "fur.tga"
Get Asset ID and File Name
<TSTR by value>AssetManager.GetAssetId <&TSTR>fileName <enum>assetType
fileName is In parameter
assetType enums: {#Other | #Bitmap | #XRef | #Photometric | #Animation | #VideoPost | #BatchRender | #ExternalLink | #RenderOutput | #PreRenderScript | #PostRenderScript | #Sound | #Container | #MaxCreationGraph}
Returns the asset ID of the specified file name of the given asset type.
AssetManager.GetAssetID "Simple_Stone_Mtl_Marble_bump.jpg" #Bitmap
<TSTR by value>AssetManager.GetFileName <&TSTR>assetid
assetid is In parameter
Returns the file name of the asset with the given AssetID.
AUIO = AssetManager.GetAssetByIndex 1--get the AsserUser with index 1
AUIO.GetFileName()--get the file name
-->"Untitled Scene"
--This is equivalent:
AssetManager.GetFileName (AUIO.getAssetID())--get the name by AssetID
-->"Untitled Scene"
Add and Release Reference
<integer>AssetManager.GetNumReference <&TSTR>assetid
assetid is In parameter
Returns the number of the References to the Asset with the given AssetID.
<bool>AssetManager.AddReference <&TSTR>assetid
assetid is In parameter
Adds a Reference to the Asset with the given AssetID.
Returns true on success, false on failure.
<bool>AssetManager.ReleaseReference <&TSTR>assetid
assetid is In parameter
Releases the Reference of the Asset with the given AssetID.
Returns true on success, false on failure.
AUIO = AssetManager.GetAssetByIndex 1--get the AsserUser with index 1
AID =AUIO.getAssetID()--get the file name
AssetManager.GetNumReference AID--get the reference numberby AssetID
AssetManager.AddReference AID--add a referenceby AssetID
AssetManager.GetNumReference AID--get thereference numberby AssetID
AssetManager.ReleaseReference AID--release a referenceby AssetID
AssetManager.GetNumReference AID--get thereference numberby AssetID
Get Number of Assets and AssetUsers
Returns the total number of AssetUser instances created during the current
3ds Max session.
Returns the number of AssetUser instances.
Returns the total number of Assets created during the current
3ds Max session.
Returns the number of Assets.
Removes any missing assets.
Returns True if missing assets were removed successfully.
Returns False if no missing assets were removed.
Available in
3ds Max 2016 and higher.
The following script outputs to the MAXScript Listener the ID, type, and file name
of all Assets in the current scene:
--Loop through all Asset indices:
for i = 1 to AssetManager.GetNumAssets() do
local AUIO = AssetManager.GetAssetByIndex i--get the AssetUser IObject
local AID = AUIO.GetAssetId()--get the Asset's ID
local AType = AUIO.getType()--get the Asset's Type
local AFile = AUIO.getfilename()--get the Asset's File Name
format"ID:% Type:% File:%\n"AID AType AFile--format the info
ID:{B6D86A17-85FF-42E2-99D4-BB2F1857C4FB} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\PlaneToBake_diffuse.tga
ID:{7477A3A4-0304-47AC-8427-6B490673231A} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Stone_Mtl_Marble_bump.jpg
ID:{8188ACCD-A014-4B24-A3DD-697269D8BFDB} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Concrete_Mtl_BroomStraight_pattern.jpg
ID:{B0B6A6FD-2B76-4EA0-8B34-D1F3F3596F91} Type:#bitmap File:x47645df4
ID:{CF096A5C-41C8-43FD-852F-8823B9A707C7} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsmax\renderoutput\AssetMan_.tga
ID:{D5A9608F-EE4E-4BDC-AAB6-93D3D34E5F65} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Concrete_Mtl_BroomCurved_pattern.jpg
ID:{30241317-2623-4628-9BF1-ED06449E3D06} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Metal_Mtl_DiamondPlate_pattern.jpg
ID:{742F4FE3-91FC-48E7-9F3B-37CE76D37046} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\Sphere01_diffuse.tga
ID:{8BEFCD25-F133-4D5E-8678-E710F8BFBFF8} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Metal_Mtl_CheckerPlate_pattern.jpg
ID:{21B0F246-C6D0-44D3-9ECE-87D7BF8AFF14} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Metal_Mtl_Break_pattern.jpg
ID:{B5BB9B91-DBB4-486B-835A-A107F9F4783F} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\PlaneToBake_lighting.tga
ID:{65CAE8F4-F0DF-4CC3-A05C-733CC0285CF4} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\CachedThumbnails\1000000000000003.bmp
ID:{5FF857B0-D2E0-4DCC-B4F7-97248CBC6FC5} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\Sphere01LightingMap.tga
ID:{31FE4D48-12B5-422E-A5D2-3A2979D773CD} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\Sphere01_lighting.tga
ID:{6AC17983-685D-42A8-8269-DBEA5FECB0DB} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\Plane01_lighting.tga
ID:{9BEAD40C-2562-42CF-A95D-E13E0EBD526D} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\CachedThumbnails\1000000000000004.bmp
ID:{2253E2F5-82FE-46B1-B012-BC5FA100D86A} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\Sphere01DiffuseMap.tga
ID:{42B8F3F4-0D38-49D9-A9D9-598288A4E674} Type:#renderoutput File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsmax\renderoutput\AssetMan_.tga
ID:{AC8AF90A-44DB-42C9-AC9E-7C35A7EBFF1A} Type:#bitmap File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsMax\sceneassets\images\Plane01_diffuse.tga
ID:{A9742E5A-4AB4-471D-A440-DE47F5262EF9} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Stone_Mtl_Granite_bump.jpg
ID:{8EC0A624-D996-48D7-9AA8-775ACA1652B9} Type:#xref File:C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\3dsmax\scenes\RENOIR\AssetManagerTest.max
ID:{B51DCC8A-57C6-4308-B5B8-00FE0A105A29} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Stone_Mtl_StoneWall_bump.jpg
ID:{16544B6C-5D81-4E96-9B4D-550BFD4111E3} Type:#bitmap File:Simple_Metal_Mtl_Brush_pattern.jpg
See also
Accessing AssetManager, AssetUser and Asset Metadata in MAX Files
MAX File Asset Metadata Stream Access
Interface: FileResolutionManager