Graphics/GeometryEnums.h File Reference

GeometryEnums.h File Reference
#include "Types.h"
#include "DataBridgeExport.h"


 These classes let you define skin weighting using a voxel or height map based algorithm.


enum  VertexFieldType {
  VertexFieldFloat1 = 0, VertexFieldFloat2 = 1, VertexFieldFloat3 = 2, VertexFieldFloat4 = 3,
  VertexFieldColor = 4, VertexFieldByte4 = 5, VertexFieldShort2 = 6, VertexFieldShort4 = 7,
  VertexFieldShortFloat2 = 15, VertexFieldShortFloat4 = 16, VertexFieldInt = 20, VertexFieldInt2 = 21,
  VertexFieldInt3 = 22, VertexFieldInt4 = 23, VertexFieldTypeUnknown, VertexFieldTypeCount
 types available for vertex fields, e.g. More...
enum  VertexFieldUsage {
  VertexFieldUsagePosition = 0, VertexFieldUsageNormal, VertexFieldUsageTexcoord, VertexFieldUsageTangent,
  VertexFieldUsageBitangent, VertexFieldUsageUnknown, VertexFieldUsageCount
 Indicates the usage of a vertex field of a vertex buffer. More...
enum  MeshChannelCategory {
  MeshChannelPosition = 0, MeshChannelVertexNormal, MeshChannelTexcoord, MeshChannelTangent,
  MeshChannelBitangent, MeshChannelVertexColor, MeshChannelUnknown, MeshChannelFaceMap,
 Indicates the data source of a vertex field of a mesh vertex buffer. More...
enum  IndexType { IndexTypeUnknown, IndexTypeShort, IndexTypeInt, IndexTypeCount }
 Buffers are composed of arrays of elements all of the same type. More...
enum  BufferUsageType {
  BufferUsageStatic = 0, BufferUsageDynamic, BufferUsageStaging, BufferUsageMask = 0xf,
  BufferUsageStreamTexture = 0x10, BufferUsageTarget = 0x20, BufferUsageUnorderedAccess = 0x80, BufferUsageStructure = 0x100,
  BufferUsageRaw = 0x200, BufferUsageBuffer = 0x400
 BufferUsageType Types for OGS buffer usage. More...
enum  BufferPoolType {
  BufferPoolTypeUnKnown = 0, BufferPoolTypeDiskBuffer = 0x1, BufferPoolTypeSystemBuffer = 0x1 << 1, BufferPoolTypeHardwareBuffer = 0x1 << 2,
  BufferPoolTypeInMemory = BufferPoolTypeSystemBuffer | BufferPoolTypeHardwareBuffer


DataBridgeAPI size_t GetVertexStride (const VertexFieldType type)
 Get the vertex stride by a given vertex type, in bytes. More...
DataBridgeAPI size_t GetIndexStride (const IndexType type)
 Get the index stride by a given index type, in bytes. More...