Scene/IPhysicalCamera.h File Reference

IPhysicalCamera.h File Reference
#include "../gencam.h"
#include "../toneOp.h"
#include "IPhysicalCamera.inline.h"


class  IPhysicalCamera
 Access to the properties of the Physical Camera object. More...
class  IPhysicalCameraToneOperator
 Access to the properties of the Physical Camera Exposure Control. More...
struct  IPhysicalCameraToneOperator::Parameters
 The set of parameters used by the Physical Camera Exposure Control. More...
class  IPhysicalCamera::RenderTransformEvaluationGuard
 A guard class which enables a physical camera INode to evaluate itself for ray-traced rendering (as opposed to viewport rendering). More...


 These classes let you define skin weighting using a voxel or height map based algorithm.