Initial State submenu

Set for Selected
Sets the initial state for selected dynamics objects.
Set for All Dynamic
Set the initial state for all the dynamic objects in the scene.
Clear Initial State

Clears the existing initial state from the selected dynamic objects (Nucleus and Fluids objects), and resets the object to its original state. For nCloth, this set the cloth to its input mesh shape. For emitted nParticle, this set the object back to pre-emission state.

Maya deletes the initialState_fluidShape node but does not delete the initial state cache file (in case it is being used by another scene). When you go to the start of the simulation, the contents of the container will be empty.

Note: You may need to rewind to the beginning of your simulation to see the effect of Clear Initial State.


Set From Mesh
Sets the selected nCloth’s initial state (or start position) for simulation to the state of another selected mesh (that has matching topology).
Relax Initial State
Simulates the selected Nucleus object for the specified number of frames and then saves its current state as its initial state. For nCloth, Relax Initial State is useful when you want to settle nCloth clothing on its model so that it appears to be under the influence of gravity, without having to play back its entire scene’s animation.

Select Fields/Solvers > Initial State > Relax Initial State> to set Relax Initial State Options.

Resolve Interpenetration

Select Fields/Solvers > Initial State > Resolve Interpenetrations> to set Resolve Interpenetration Options.


Set Initial State

With the Set Initial State Options window, you can set the contents of a fluid’s initial state. The contents checked on in the Set Initial State Options window are set in the initial state. By default, all initial state content options are on.

The initial state of a fluid is created from the dynamic or static grid contents. When setting the initial state, if a content method has dynamic or static grid attributes but is not checked in the Set Initial State Options window, a warning appears and you are prompted to either include the grid attributes or omit them from the cache.

Save State As Example
Lets you save out the current state of your fluid as an MA, MB, or MOV file.