In the Graph Editor, click , or select Edit > Transformation Tools > Lattice Deform Keys Tool to manipulate curves with the Lattice Deform Keys Tool.
The Lattice Deform Keys tool lets you draw a lattice deformer around groups of keys, so that you can manipulate many keys at once. This tool gives you a high-level of control over your animation curves. See also Manipulate curves with the lattice manipulator.
Once you draw a lattice around a group of keys, you can then move the control points of the lattice to deform the affected animation curves or scale the lattice points around a picked point to transform the affected curves.
You can also use the Lattice Deform Keys Tool to deform keys that lie along a single (horizontal or vertical) graph view axis.
Select Transformation Tools > Lattice Deform Keys Tool > to open the following Lattice Settings.
Specifies the number of columns for the current lattice manipulator. The minimum number of columns is 2 and maximum number is 20.
Specifies the number of rows for the current lattice manipulator. The minimum number of rows is 2 and the maximum number is 20.
Specifies the lattice manipulator’s level of influence or falloff value.
When on, you can scale the active control points around the current lattice point.