Hotkey: Ctrl+Shift+A.
Hotkey: Alt + D.
See also Scene hierarchy.
Hotkey: Ctrl + Shift + I.
The Similarity Tolerance option controls how similar components must be to those in the current selection in order to be selected. Select Similar evaluates each component based on its shape/orientation in relation to its neighbors. The value is set to 0.001 by default. A higher Similarity Tolerance setting selects more components.
For example, if you have a polygon mesh comprised of four-sided polygons (quads) with one interior vertex selected and then choose Select > Grow, the eight vertices that immediately surround the selected vertex are selected on the mesh (as these vertices form a boundary around the selected vertex). As you continue to grow a polygon selection the region of selection expands outwards.
See also Grow, shrink, or change the selected region of CVs or polygon components.
For example, if you have a polygon mesh comprised of four-sided polygons (quads) with nine interior vertices selected, in the shape of a square grid, and then choose Select > Shrink, the eight vertices that form the boundary on the selection become unselected on the mesh, leaving a single vertex selected. If you continue to shrink the selection, eventually nothing is selected.
See also Save and re-use a selection.
See also Select polygon components.
Multi-Component mode (F7) lets you select vertices, edges, and faces without changing between selection modes.
You can also activate component selection modes in the Modeling Toolkit. See Select components with the Modeling Toolkit selection modes.
Select > Contiguous Edges >
to set the
Select Contiguous Edges Options.
The Shortest Edge Path Tool is particularly well suited to selecting a long and possibly winding path of edges on a surface mesh when you need to subsequently perform a Cut UV Edges operation when Unfolding UV shells.
Select > Use Constraints >
to set the
Use Constraints Options.