What's New in Maya 2017 Update 4

About Maya Updates

Welcome to the Maya 2017 Update 4 What's New, which is an overview of changes to Maya since the last update. As of Maya 2017, we are replacing Service Packs and Extensions with regular software updates to provide you with new features, regular fixes, and revised documentation.
Note: The Maya API binary compatibility will not be modified in any 2017 updates, although the API may be extended to enable new features.

Update Location

Each update incorporates any fixes and features from the previous updates. You can find them here:

  • Mac OS: Maya Downloads page (as a full product install)
  • Linux OS: Maya Downloads page (as a full product install)
  • Windows: Autodesk Desktop App (as an incremental install)


You can now export any mesh as per-frame BIF files. For more information, see Cache meshes using BIF format.


The behavior of BOSS caches has been improved. Now when you save a cache using tokens such as <project>, <scene>, or <object> in the Cache Folder and Cache Name attributes, a copy of the fully resolved path is also stored in the scene and used for playing the cache back. This means that the path to the cache is not lost if you save the scene under a new name or in a different project. If you later rewrite the cache files, the current values of the tokens are used and the resolved path is updated.

Color Management: New input space rule

By default, there is a new preset rule in the Color Management preferences. The tx rule assigns files with an extension of .tx to the Raw input color space. Like the other preset rules, it is not available if you have previously saved preferences for Maya 2017.

What's New in API

For information regarding new API features in Maya 2017 Update 4, see What's New in API in Maya Update 4.