
Workspaces are arrangements of windows and panels, plus other interface options. The predefined "factory" workspaces include the default Maya Classic, as well as several others designed for various groups of tasks. In addition, you can create and share custom workspaces for your own needs.

You modify the current workspace by opening, closing, and moving windows, panels, and other UI elements, as well as by docking and undocking windows and panes.

You do not need to explicitly save changes to a workspace. Your changes are saved automatically when you switch to a different workspace or close Maya LT. The changes are restored the next time you switch back to that workspace or restart Maya LT.

Workspaces provide a more flexible way to customize the interface than the older panel layout feature. In particular, workspaces let you move and dock panels anywhere, while panel layouts control only the arrangement within the View panel. Another difference is that workspaces are stored as separate files in your user directory and persist automatically, while panel layouts are stored in scene files.

To switch workspaces

Do either one of the following:
  • Select an item from the Workspace selector at the far right of the main menu bar.

  • Select an item from the Windows > Workspaces menu.